4 • Invite CETL to provide direction to faculty on incorporating AI into classroom experiences and curricula. Begin Fall 2023: Chairs, Core Committee, Teaching Subcommittee, CAS Faculty • Create a localized collection (possibly in D2L) of open access materials particularly for general education courses. Explore options to minimize or eliminate textbook costs to freshman students with the goal/motto of “no book costs in your first year.” Begin Fall 2023: Dean, Chairs, Departments, Teaching Subcommittee, CETL Research and Scholarship Initiatives • Establish an informal collaboration space to promote connections and idea-sharing among faculty, in- and outside of CAS. o Create a mechanism for informal collaborative gatherings via Zoom that take place on a monthly basis, with rotating hosts and themes for discussion. Begin Fall 2023: Dean, Chairs, Departments, Research Subcommittee • Explore opportunities for bringing professional meetings to NSU’s campus. Continue Fall 2023: Dean, Core Committee, Research Subcommittee, Departments, Advisors • Gain insight into how grants are overseen and opportunities advertised across campus. Continue Fall 2023: Core Committee, Research Subcommittee, Departments, CAS Faculty • Increase the visibility of faculty and student research through social media, new CAS “Year in Review” press releases, and other sources. o Increase visibility of research outcomes by sending out a monthly email inviting faculty to share their results with the college secretary for display on the digital monitors in Tech Center and the Jewett Science building. Continue Fall 2023: Chairs, Research Subcommittee, Departments, CAS Faculty • Support opportunities to increase research productivity, such as the College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Professional Development Award. Continue to allow two $250 awards each academic year. Continue Fall 2023: Dean, Chairs Outreach Initiatives • Discern the current mission of the outreach subcommittee. Begin Spring 2024: Dean, Core Committee, Outreach Subcommittee • Work closely with the two Academic Advisors with the College as well as Faculty Mentors in the departments to identify potential students who might benefit from Research and Scholarship opportunities. Begin Spring 2024: Core Committee, Outreach Subcommittee, Chairs, Departments, Advisors, Faculty • Implement College of Arts and Sciences faculty, staff and student social, e.g., ice cream social during “I Hate Winter” festivities. Continue Fall 2023: Dean, Outreach Subcommittee, Chairs, Departments, Advisors