
Honors Program Alumni Spotlight BRETT MARTIN - NSU CLASS OF 2015 Brett Martin graduated from NSU with a double major in Marketing and Management. He participated in several campus activities including Baseball, Speech and Debate, and the Honors Program. Brett’s thesis was titled, “Fortune 500 CEO’s: Analysis of Post-Secondary Education, Power Motivation, and Homogenous Hiring.” His research revolved around the Glass Ceiling, and what external factors were hindering women’s abilities to advance their careers in the modern workforce. Pictured below is Brett on an NSU trip to Ireland. After graduating from NSU, Brett earned his MBA with a marketing concentration from the University of Tampa. He then worked as Business Analyst at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. In 2022, he began working for Katie Couric Media where he was a Business Analyst until 2023, when he was promoted to Chief of Staff. In this role, he works across all departments, helping facilitate analytical, operational, and revenue goals for a growing media company. His current, and most frustrating hobby is golf. Brett says, “If you want to do something that both challenges you, and drives you slightly crazy, it’s for you.” When asked what he would tell current students, Brett said, “As someone not even 10 years removed from undergrad, I can say that I don’t remember any of the papers I wrote, or the homework I turned in. But I always remember the random, goofy fun I had with my friends. Also, your professors truly have your best interests in mind.” "College is a great place for learning, but an even better place for living." BRETT MARTIN NSU HONORS PROGRAM PAGE 2