22 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 STUDENT ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT 2:33 2.3.2. If the informal resolution documentation (if an informal resolution is agreed to under BOR Policy 3:4) or the written findings include a determination that a violation of the Student Code for Academic Misconduct occurred, the Faculty Member may impose academic consequences for the Academic Misconduct. Information regarding whether the Student had ever engaged in prior Academic Misconduct may be used in determining the academic consequences imposed by the Faculty Member 2.4. Appeals 2.4.1. Informal Resolution Reached Through Board Policy 2:33 A Student may not appeal either the fact that the student engaged in the Academic Misconduct or the academic consequence imposed by the Faculty Member because the Student waives such appeal rights in agreeing to the informal resolution under this policy. 2.4.2. Informal Resolution Not Reached Through Board Policy 2:33 A Student may appeal the academic consequence imposed by the Faculty Member pursuant to Board Policy 2:9. BOR May 2016; BOR May 2022. Definitions 1. Academic Misconduct: means Cheating or Plagiarism. 2. Cheating: includes, but is not limited to, the following: 2.1. Using any unauthorized assistance in, or having unauthorized materials while, taking quizzes, tests, examinations or other assignments, including copying from another’s quiz, test, examination, or other assignment or allowing another to copy from one’s own quiz, test, examination, or other assignment; 2.2. Using sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; 2.3. Acquiring, without permission, tests or other academic material belonging to the instructor or another member of the Institutional faculty or staff; 2.4. Engaging in any behavior prohibited by the instructor in the course syllabus or in class discussion; 2.5. Falsifying or misrepresenting data or results from a laboratory or experiment; or 2.6. Engaging in other behavior that a reasonable person would consider to be cheating. 3. Plagiarism: includes, but is not limited to, the following: 3.1. Using, by paraphrase or direct quotation, the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment; 3.2. Using materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials without prior authorization by the instructor;or 3.3. Engaging in other behavior that a reasonable person would consider plagiarism. 4. Student: includes all personstaking coursesfrom the Institution, both full-time and part-time, enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, professional or special topic courses, whether creditbearing or not. 5. Other capitalized terms in this policy are defined in Board Policy 3:4, Section 2. C. POLICY 1. Authority 1.1. For purposes of this policy and Board Policy 3:4, the Institution that offered the course shall have default authority over the Student. 2. Academic Misconduct Process