25 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 closes the same day as the payment due date. Because of varying start dates in summer, Attendance Confirmation is only done in fall and spring terms. FEE PAYMENT NSU requires payment in full by the day after Census Date, which is about a week after the start of each term. Students may access their billing statement on-line through Self-Service Banner and SDePay. If payment or financial arrangements are not made with Finance Office by the specified due date, the student’s enrollment may be cancelled. Tuition rates and other costs are fixed and/or approved by the Board of Regents and may be revised during the year when there are circumstances beyond the control of the university. FINAL EXAMS The university encourages faculty members to give frequent examinations during the semester. A final examination or appropriate culminating activity during the final exam period is required. Students may request exception to the exam schedule only if they are scheduled for more than three (3) exams in any one day or if there are personal emergencies. Students must provide written approval from the professor to the academic dean, who will then notify the professor of final approval. Arrangements for taking an exam other than at the regularly scheduled time must be made by the student and the professor at least one (1) week in advance. PRIVACY RIGHTS Student records maintained by Northern State University include directory information and educational records. As custodians of student records in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, NSU assumes the obligation to ensure full protection of student records, including maintaining the confidentiality of educational records. Student records are identified and accessed by student identification number. NSU follows Board of Regent’s policy regarding the release of directory information. Directory information is information not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The following has been defined as directory information at NSU and can be released without the student’s written permission: • Student’s name • Grade level (undergraduate or graduate) • Major field of study • Graduation date • Diploma or degree • Dates of attendance • Hometown • Academic honors/achievement A student may request that directory information not be made public by completing a form in the Registrar’s Office asking that directory information be treated the same as educational records. While such a signed form is in effect, NSU will verify only whether or not a student is currently enrolled. This request remains in effect until negated in writing to the Registrar. Educational records are those records, files, documents, and other materials which contain information directly related to a student’s academic progress, financial status, medical condition, etc. Educational records may not be released to any third party, except those included under FERPA, without the written consent of the student. The University discloses educational records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A