29 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 POLICIES CONCERNING STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS ALCOHOL-RELATED ACTIVITIES POLICY NSU student organizations will not sponsor any activity at which alcoholic beverages are to be consumed or at which consumption is stated, encouraged, or implied. “Student organization” is intended to include any recognized campus organization, club or residence hall council. Faculty and/or staff who serve as advisors to recognized campus organizations or clubs are required to prohibit development of alcohol-related activities by such recognized entities. The minimal institutional penalty for such offense is the withdrawal of institutional recognition of any organization which violates this policy. BINGO AND LOTTERY POLICY A. Student organizations wishing to conduct bingo, raffle, or lottery must secure permission from their advisor and the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. B. Bingo games and lotteries must be conducted according to South Dakota State Statutes 22-2523 through 22-25-25.1. Copies of these statutes may be obtained from the Student Affairs Office, 222 NSU Student Center. a. State law requires that thirty (30) day written notice of a bingo or lottery event be given to the governing body of the municipality. In NSU’s case, this is the Aberdeen City Finance Office. b. NOTICE OF INTENT TO HOLD BINGO GAME OR LOTTERY forms are available from the Student Affairs Office, 222 NSU Student Center. C. Classes are not to be interrupted for any solicitation. D. Failure to comply with any regulation contained within this policy shall constitute grounds for Northern State University to withdraw its permission to the organization for any further bingo or lottery events. NSU also reserves the right to refuse permission when such an event is, in its view, inappropriate or not in its best interest. EVENT SECURITY Organizations sponsoring events on campus where there is a potential for violence or damage are required to provide a professional security force at such events. The sponsoring organization will be held liable for any damage that occurs at its event, unless an individual is caught and required to pay for damages. Individuals attending an organization function who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol must be asked to leave and/or referred to local authorities. GUEST SPEAKERS AND PERFORMERS Student organizations, departments or committees, or the university may invite and hear persons of their own choice. Those routine procedures required by the institution before a guest speaker is invited to appear on campus, including the completion of an appearance contract, ensure that there is orderly scheduling of facilities, adequate preparation for the event, and assurance that the event will not substantially disrupt the educational process. Specific procedures may be found in the Faculty Handbook or by consulting with the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. Guest speakers may represent a club or organization, but they should not be represented as sharing the views of the University unless otherwise arranged with Communications and Marketing LIABILITY FOR RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES While the institution encourages student organizations to sponsor a variety of programs and services for the students, it is concerned about the magnitude of risk to students under such sponsorship. It