30 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 should be noted that litigation relating to such risk has been focused at the institution. Recent cases, however, are beginning to include faculty advisors, administrators, and student leaders. The question of personal liability coverage at this time is highly uncertain and may remain so due to the continued court cases in this area. In general, the state only provides coverage for its employees in their line of duty and for students while operating state vehicles on state business. The concern for liability should not diminish the importance of student activities and the role they play in student development and education. What is needed is an understanding of the magnitude of risk assumed in positions of student and advisory leadership. The best guidance available for administrators, faculty advisors and student leaders is to remain fully informed, cautious, and alert when supervising an event or activity. If there is any concern about the major causes of risk, and possible necessity for “informed consent waivers,” competent legal advice should be obtained. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS FINANCIAL POLICY Any organization that financially obligates itself, whether through a member or officer for services, merchandise or facilities does so in the name of the organization and the members. The university is not responsible in any way for debts incurred by the organization. CHECKING ACCOUNTS Student organizations that receive any funds from the Student Budget Appropriations Committee may not have an off-campus checking account. All funds, including fundraising through various on and off campus fundraising events must be placed in a university account. Organizations which do not receive ANY SBAC funds may have an off-campus checking account. Checking accounts must require dual signatures, one of which is the organization’s university advisor. Although within the rights of the organization, The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership does not recommend off-campus checking accounts as transition periods may be more difficult. PURCHASES No purchases may be made from a student organization’s university account without securing an authorized purchase order through the Purchasing Office. Requisitions for purchases must be processed via SDezBuy or by Internal Requisition depending on the particular vendor and/or circumstance, please consult your Departments Secretary or Direct Supervisor to start the purchasing process for you. Upon receipt of materials/products, the purchase order must be received in the Banner Accounting System, please notify the Department Secretary that you have received the item(s). If an invoice/receipt was given to the requestor (you), that receipt MUST be turned in to the Purchasing Office. Please give this to your Department Secretary to forward on to the Purchasing Office. The invoice/receipt will be forwarded to the SDBOR Accounts Payable Center for processing of a check to be issued to the vendor. For help or questions on Purchasing, contact 626-2529 or 626-2533. For other financial matters, contact the Finance and Administration Office, 626-2566. RECOGNITION PROCEDURE FOR NEW STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS A. Student Organization Review Committee (SORC) will review applications. a. Applications Include: i. Intent to Charter: a typewritten statement explaining the need for the organization and how the organization proposes to contribute to the quality of NSU student life. ii. Membership List: list of at least five (5) students who are members of the organization (include Student ID Numbers).