31 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 iii. Advisor Agreement: form available in the Office of Student Affairs iv. Organization Registration: form available in the Office of Student Affairs v. Organization Constitution: samples available in the Office of Student Affairs vi. Department Approval: required for campus media groups, recreational and sport clubs. b. If needed, organizations will be notified of changes or corrections that need to be made to their application. c. Completed application is first reviewed by the Assistant Director of Student Involvement and Leadership to ensure all documents are complete. d. If the application is complete, SORC will recommend club to Student Association stating the purpose of the organization and how it aligns with the mission and purpose of NSU. They will also include the meeting date and time that the organization is to appear before Student Association. i. Organization Advisor and President should also receive a copy of this letter at least one (1) week before the scheduled meeting. B. Student Government Association will allow the organization time to explain the need for the organization and how the organization proposes to contribute to the quality of student life at NSU. A representative from the organization must be prepared to answer any questions regarding the application, proposed constitution, or other relevant information. C. Student Government Association must approve by three-fourths (3/4) favorable vote. a. If approved, Student Association will forward its recommendation to the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. The Assistant Director of Student Involvement and Leadership sends the newly recognized organization a letter informing it of its status as a chartered organization with all the rights and responsibilities therein. b. If denied, the Student Government Association Vice President shall send a letter providing specific reasons and rationale for denial of recognition. c. Appeal process is to work with the Assistant Director of Student Involvement and Leadership to address the reasons and rationale for denial. They can then request a place on the agenda of the upcoming meeting for a hearing to reconsider the denial. For help getting a new organization recognized, please contact the Office of Student Affairs, 626-3007. ORGANIZATION RECOGNITION POLICIES Northern State University fully supports in its educational programs, co-curricular and extracurricular activities a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, national origin, ancestry, marital status, arrest record, or conviction record. All recognized student organizations must include the statement of non-discrimination in their constitution. If an organization wishes to become recognized, the following criteria must be met: 1. The organization must not duplicate any existing student organization. 2. The organization agrees to adhere to policies and procedures set forth by the institution, Student Government Association, and the Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities. 3. The organization must submit two copies of its constitution to the Assistant Director of Student Involvement each time there is a change.