38 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 special event for which an alcoholic beverage license has been issued pursuant to § 35-4-11.4; or (2) It is done by prescription or direction of a duly licensed practitioner or nurse of the healing arts for medicinal purposes.special event for which an alcoholic beverage license has been issued pursuant to § 35-4-11.4; or (2) It is done by prescription or direction of a duly licensed practitioner or nurse of the healing arts for medicinal purposes. 35-9-1.1. Restrictions on alcohol to persons eighteen (18) years or older but under twenty-one (21). It is a Class 2 misdemeanor to sell or give for use as a beverage any alcoholic beverage to any person who is eighteen (18) years of age or older but less than twenty-one (21) years of age unless it is done in the immediate presence of a parent or guardian or spouse over twenty-one (21) years of age or by prescription or direction of a duly licensed practitioner or nurse of the healing arts for medicinal purposes. 35-9-2. Purchase, possession or consumption of beverage by minor is a misdemeanor — Misrepresentation of age. It is a Class 2 misdemeanor for any person under the age of twentyone (21) years to purchase, attempt to purchase or possess or consume alcoholic beverages except when consumed in a religious ceremony and given to said person by an authorized person, or to misrepresent his age with the use of any document for the purpose of purchasing or attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages from any licensee licensed under this title. B. State Drug Laws Applicable South Dakota drug laws can be found in Title 34, Chapter 20B of the South Dakota Codified Laws. IV. Policies, Procedures, and Sanctions A. Student Alcohol Disciplinary Code The Northern State University student disciplinary code prohibits the following: 1. The manufacture, sale, possession, and consumption of alcohol, marijuana or controlled substances by students on any property controlled by the Board of Regents and in connection with any student sponsored activity; except that alcohol may be served at social activities held in other locations subject to the restrictions set out in this article. 2. Possession of alcoholic beverage containers on campus. 3. Presence in any area on campus where alcoholic beverages are being consumed or alcoholic beverage containers are present. 4. Violation of federal, state or local law on institutional premises or at institutionally sponsored or supervised activities. Furthermore, Northern State University also prohibits the following: 1. Alcoholic beverages at any student sponsored activity or event whether on or off campus. 2. The manufacture, possession, use or dispensing of marijuana or illegal controlled substances at organizational functions. 3. The expenditure of organizational funds on alcoholic beverages, marijuana or illegal controlled substances. 4. The informal collection from the members or residents of monies to be spent on alcoholic beverages, marijuana or illegal controlled substances.