40 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 3. Speech or conduct which creates a hostile or abusive working environment on the basis of race or sex. 4. Legally obscene speech which is vulgar and shocking, such as materials involving the sexual exploitation of children. The university will follow administrative policies and take actions to preserve the academic environment and the civil rights of all persons. Reasonable and non-discriminatory time, place, and manner restrictions which are narrowly tailored to preserve academic and civil communication and the First Amendment rights of all persons may be necessary in order to maintain a peaceful and tolerant atmosphere on the campus. Persons, whether student, visitor, faculty member, or university employee who are the victim of harassment or who feel that their civil rights have been violated have several options for seeking remedy within the university. Invoking the affirmative action process is one option. Additionally, the person may report the incident(s) to one of the following offices: the President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President of Student Affairs, or the Director of Human Resources. These offices may deal with the problem administratively or ask interested parties to hold discussions with the complaining person and any other individual or individuals involved in the matter. All non-administrative attempts to settle the difficulty will be in the spirit of trying to improve the relationships between the parties and will be conducted in a thoughtful and respectful way. Administrative handling of complaints may include referral to appropriate civil authorities. SOUTH DAKOTA BOARD OF REGENTS POLICY MANUAL 6:13 SUBJECT: Facilities Use by Private Parties A. PURPOSE To establish policy and procedures pertaining to the use of institutional facilities by private parties. B. DEFINITIONS 1. Affiliated Entity: organizations, such as institutional foundations, whose legal purpose includes support of the institution and its activities, organizations that have been authorized by the institution to use it name and marks, and student organizations recognized by the institutions, as well as the State of South Dakota and its political subdivisions, and their instrumentalities. 2. Commercial Purposes: activities that involve the exchange of goods or services for valuable consideration and speech that relates solely to the economic interests of the speaker and audience and proposes a commercial transaction. 3. Disrupt: any actions that infringe institutional rules, interrupt institutionally sponsored or authorized instructional, research or service activities, or substantially interfere with the opportunity of other persons to use institutional grounds or facilities for their intended or authorized purposes. 4. Events: speeches, presentations, social gatherings, religious ceremonies, entertainments, youth camps or other activities that pose no substantial risk of injury to persons and property and that are generally consistent with the kinds of activity sponsored by the institution itself. 5. Facilities and Grounds: buildings, structures, internal streets and sidewalks, parking facilities, athletic facilities, landscaping and grounds owned or occupied by the institution but excludes municipal streets or sidewalks or public highways or rights of way that abut or traverse a campus. 6. Private Party: any individual or group other than the institution, its affiliated entities, or their officers, agents, faculty, or staff when acting on their behalf.