42 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 Each institution shall differentiate between meeting rooms and classrooms that are appropriate for meetings involving up to one hundred persons and lecture halls, auditoria, outdoor areas and other places that are appropriate for larger events and gatherings. If an institution elects to permit limited activities for commercial purposes, it shall identify which facilities are available for such purposes and shall indicate what kinds of commercial purposes may be pursued in the facilities. 2.3. Each institution shall designate those days, including finals week and the week preceding it, when facilities and grounds will not be available for private meetings or events. 2.4. Each institution shall establish and publicize local rules to implement this policy. These rules shall provide, at minimum, that 2.4.1. Private parties may request permission to use institutional facilities or grounds for meetings or events that will not interfere with the use of the facilities by the institution or institutionally affiliated organizations. 2.4.2. Private parties seeking permission to use institutional facilities or grounds shall complete and submit written applications on forms developed by the institution. 2.4.3. Private parties requesting permission to use facilities or grounds for events shall submit completed forms and all necessary attachments no less than three (3) working days prior to the date on which they wish to use the facilities or grounds 2.4.4. Private parties may not reserve facilities or grounds for regularly scheduled meetings, thereby precluding institutional uses of the facility. 2.4.5. Private parties who have been granted permission to use institutional facilities shall agree to abide by all institutional regulations and shall not publicize their meetings or events in ways that suggest co-sponsorship by the institution. 2.4.6. Private parties shall agree to restore facilities and grounds to the state of cleanliness and repair in which they found them or to pay for custodial or repair services at standard university rates and for extraordinary restoration or replacement expenses at cost. 2.4.7. Private parties shall agree to avoid actions that disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic on campus grounds, interfere with the instructional, research, service or administrative activities of the institution or disrupt meetings or events sponsored by the institution or other private parties. 2.4.8. Private parties seeking permission to use facilities for commercial purposes or to sponsor events with planned attendance of five hundred people or more shall provide security and shall purchase event insurance in the amount of one million dollars, naming the State of South Dakota, the Board, the institution and their officers, agents and employees as named insureds. 2.4.9. Private parties may be charged fees at published rates to cover the costs institutions incur to provide private parties access to the selected facilities or grounds and to maintain and to repair such facilities; however, any such fee(s) must be based on definite and objective criteria that are not content-based. 2.4.10. Private parties may be allowed to purchase at published rates institutional services to prepare the facilities for private use, to monitor use of the facilities during meetings or events and to restore the facilities to the prior state. 2.4.11. Private parties wishing to serve, or to offer for sale, food or beverages shall make any necessary arrangements with the institutional food service provider, if applicable. 2.5. Each institution shall establish procedures to implement its local rules. These procedures shall provide, at minimum, that