43 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 2.5.1. Copies of the Board and institutional rules, information about institutional facilities and grounds available for use by private parties, schedules of fees and all forms needed to apply for permission shall be published, together with contact information to enable readers to obtain clarification of the meaning or application of rules or assistance in completing applications 2.5.2. The institution shall act upon applications no later than the third (3rd) working day after receipt of a completed application. 2.5.3. Except as provided in §2.5.5, below, the institution shall grant applications for meetings or events if, The applications, and all required attachments, have been completed; and The meetings or events will comply with the requirements and limitations contained in this policy and the institutional policy(ies) or rule(s) that implement it; 2.5.4. If the institution denies an application for a meeting or event, it shall provide the private party with a written explanation for the denial. 2.5.5. The institution may deny applications for meetings or events only if, The private party has failed to comply with the requirements of § 2.5.3, above, or the meeting or event or the requested schedule otherwise does not meet the standards stated in that section. If permission is denied due to a conflict with the academic calendar or with previously scheduled activities, the institution shall propose an alternative facility or place if available for the same time, or an alternative time, if available, for the same place. The private party has on prior occasions made material misrepresentations regarding the nature or scope of a meeting or event previously permitted or has violated the terms of prior use agreements. Any of the following grounds are present: The application for permit contains a material falsehood or misrepresentation; The applicant is legally incompetent to contract or to sue and be sued; or The applicant has on prior occasions damaged institutional property and has not paid in full for such damage, or has other outstanding and unpaid debts to the institution. Private parties whose prior conduct would justify denial of permission to use facilities or grounds may not avoid denial by creating new organizations, by associating themselves with other private organizations or by otherwise associating themselves with others for the purposes of avoiding denial of permission under this section. 2.5.6. A written denial shall advise private parties of their right to appeal the denial by filing a signed, written appeal with the official designated by the institutional chief executive officer to receive such appeals. Any denial issued pursuant to this policy shall be deemed effective upon the earlier of, actual communication to the applicant, transmission of an electronic message containing the written denial to the applicant, or deposit of the written denial in the United States mail. The appeal must be presented on the approved form.