62 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 23.3. Receive and consider the findings and recommendations of a Student Conduct Panel; and 23.4. Determine whether a respondent has violated the Student Code, and if so, to impose appropriate sanctions. C. POLICY 1. Introduction The Board of Regents and its institutions are committed to creating and maintaining a productive living-and-learning community that fosters the intellectual, personal, cultural, and ethical development of its students. Self-discipline and respect for the rights and privileges of others are essential to the educational process and to good citizenship. 1.1. Purpose of the Student Code of Conduct The purpose of the Student Code is to educate students about their civic and social responsibilities as members of the institutional community. The primary focus of the student conduct process is on educational and corrective outcomes; however, conduct sanctions such as suspension or expulsion from an Institution may be necessary to uphold community standards and to protect the campus community. Extensive, organized, serious, or repeated violations of this Student Code are taken into account when determining conduct sanctions. 1.2. Standards of Behavior Attendance at an institution is optional and voluntary. When students enroll at an institution, they voluntarily accept obligations of performance and behavior that are consistent with the institution’s lawful mission, processes, and functions. In general, these obligations are considered much higher than the obligations imposed by civil and criminal law for all citizens. By enrolling at an institution, students voluntarily accept responsibility for compliance with all Board of Regents and Institutional Policies, including but not limited to this Student Code. 1.3. Authority of an Institution over its Students and Organizations 1.3.1. Student conduct proceedings may be initiated in response to conduct prohibited by the Student Code: That occurs on institutional premises That occurs at events official sponsored by an institution That arises out of membership in the Institutional community: or That occurs elsewhere and that adversely affects an Institution, any Organizations, members or the Institutional community, or the pursuit of their lawful objectives. 1.3.2. Notwithstanding this Student Code, an institution reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. The institution also reserves the right to extend any deadline contained in this Student Code for good cause with written notice to the parties of the delay and the reason for the delay. 1.3.3. For purposes of the Student Code, the default authority over the student for student conduct purposes will be determined as follows: For alleged misconduct that occurs on institutional premises, the institution where the alleged misconduct occurred; For alleged misconduct that occurs at events officially sponsored by an institution, the institution that sponsored the event;