70 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 Prohibit the expenditure of organizational funds on alcoholic beverages, marijuana, or controlled substances; Prohibit the informal collection of monies from members, associates, or invitees to be spent on alcoholic beverages, marijuana, or controlled substances; Prohibit the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol, marijuana, or controlled substances on premises controlled by the Board of Regents, except as explicitly permitted by Section C.2.6.2 of this Student Code; Establish conduct policies and sanctions regarding violations by individual members no less stringent than those set forth under Board Policies, except that limited use of alcoholic beverages is permissible as set out above; and Require that a report be filed with the Senior Student Affairs Officer each semester identifying all actions taken pursuant to the student conduct policies required in this Student Code; 2.11.Institutions may impose additional or more restrictive conditions on official recognition. 2.12. Organizations are also subject to the Board of Regents’ antidiscrimination policies set forth in Board Policy 1:18. However, social fraternities and sororities that are exempt from taxation under federal law may maintain single-sex membership practices without violating antidiscrimination policies, as recognized by 20 U.S.C. 1681(a)(6). 3. Student Conduct Process 3.1. Allegations of Sexual Harassment 3.1.1. Allegations of sexual harassment against a student shall be addressed exclusively through BOR Policy 1:17. 3.2 Allegations other than Sexual Harassment 3.2.1. All allegations other than sexual harassment against a student shall be addressed as set forth herein. Allegations of misconduct may be reported against any student by anyone. Allegations shall be directed to the Student Conduct Officer in the Office of the Dean of Students. The reporting party will disclose the facts that form the basis for the allegation, the identities of any other witnesses, and any other relevant information regarding the alleged misconduct. Allegations of Academic Misconduct will be reported to the Student Conduct Officer but are initially addressed through Board Policy 2:33. Allegations of Human Rights Violations shall follow the process outlined in Board Policy 1:18. The investigator assigned must not have any actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest and biases for or against any party involved in the initial complaint. If the institution determines that an actual or reasonably perceived conflict of interest does exist, another individual must lead the investigation on behalf of the institution. The investigator assigned must be trained to analyze and document the available evidence to support reliable decisions, objectively evaluate the credibility of parties and witnesses, synthesize all available evidence, including both evidence that tends to suggest a violation and evidence that tends to suggest no violation, and take into account the unique and complex circumstances of each case. The investigator assigned should avoid using any investigative techniques or approaches that apply sex stereotypes or generalizations.