73 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 To ensure the safety and well-being of members of the institutional community or preservation of institutional property or other property located on premises controlled by the institution; To ensure a student’s own physical or emotional safety and well-being; or To ensure the normal operations of the institution where a student poses an ongoing threat of disruption or, or interference with, the normal operations of the institution. 3.3.3. During the interim suspension, the student may be denied access to residence facilities, the campus (including classes), and all other institutional activities or privileges. 3.3.4. A student placed on interim suspension shall be given written notice of interim measures, which shall include: The reasons for the interim suspension; The parameters of the interim suspension; and Information concerning the right to appeal the interim suspension. 3.3.5. Interim Suspension Appeal Process The student must submit a written request for a meeting to the Senior Student Affairs Officer. The Senior Student Affairs Officer will schedule a meeting with the student as soon as practical and no later than three (3) days after receiving the written request. At this meeting, the student is provided the opportunity to raise any objections to the interim suspension or to request alternative interim measures. The Senior Student Affairs Officer has sole discretion regarding interim measures. 3.4. Informal Resolution 3.4.1. The Student Conduct Officer may speak separately and individually with the complainant and the respondent to determine whether the alleged misconduct can be resolved through informal resolution. In matters involving allegations of Human Rights violations, informal resolution may not take the form of having the complainant and the respondent be in the same room at the same time, unless both parties agree in writing. In matters involving allegations of Human Rights violations, the Student Conduct Officer should consider whether the informal resolution is equitable and will end the misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. 3.4.2. Informal resolution may be reached where: The parties involved mutually agree to a full resolution of the alleged misconduct that is acceptable to the Student Conduct Officer. This must be documented in writing and signed by the complainant, respondent, and Student Conduct Officer. The respondent waives a formal hearing by admitting to the misconduct and accepting the proposed conduct sanctions. This must be documented in writing and signed by the respondent and the Student Conduct Officer. This type of informal resolution is not available in matters involving allegations of Human Rights violations.