78 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 as required by law, the institution shall not be required to change the form in which the record is maintained. 3.6. Sanctions 3.6.1. Individual Conduct Sanctions In each case in which the Chair determines that a respondent has violated the Student Code, the Chair shall determine and impose appropriate conduct sanction(s). Where a violation of Board Policy is established, and where a conduct sanction is mandated under Board Policy, that conduct sanction shall be imposed. Conduct sanction decisions must be made for the purpose of deciding how best to enforce the Student Code and should reflect a proportionate response to the violation. In matters involving Human Rights Violations, the Chair should consider whether the sanctions are equitable and will end the misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. In matters involving Human Rights violations, the Chair should consider the impact of separating the respondent from his/her education before imposing a conduct sanction of suspension or expulsion. In matters involving allegations of Academic Misconduct that are informally resolved pursuant to Board Policy 2:33, the Student Conduct Officer will receive the information from the faculty member and shall determine and impose appropriate conduct sanction(s). Complainants shall be informed in writing and at the same time as the respondent of any outcome and conduct sanctions imposed in the following circumstances: When the conduct sanction involves remedial action that directly relates to the complainant (e.g., a directive requiring the respondent to not have contact with the complainant) Where the allegations against the respondent would also constitute a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense as defined by FERPA; or Where the allegations against the respondent would also constitute Human Rights violations. In this circumstance, the rationale for the result must also be included. Where the institution finds that a hostile environment exists, the Institution shall also inform the complainant of other steps the institution has taken to eliminate the hostile environment. FERPA allows institutions to disclose the final results of a conduct proceeding when the Chair determines that the respondent violated the Student Code and that violation falls within the definition of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense as defined by FERPA. For purposes of this subsection, “final results” means the name of the respondent, the violation committed, and any conduct sanction(s) imposed by the institution. FERPA allows institutions to inform the parents or legal guardians of a respondent younger than twenty-one (21) years of age that the respondent has violated Institutional Policies concerning the use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances.