79 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 The following conduct sanctions may be imposed upon any respondent found to have violated the Student Code. More than one of the conduct sanctions listed below may be imposed for any single violation. Imposition of a conduct sanction may be delayed or suspended on such conditions as the Student Conduct Officer may prescribe. • Warning – A statement to the respondent that the respondent has violated the Student Code of Conduct. • Probation – Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe conduct sanctions if the respondent is later found to have engaged in any additional violation(s) the Student Code during the probationary period. • Loss of Privileges – Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time. The privileges of continued participation in Institutional activities, access to Institutional facilities or residences may be conditioned upon participation in or completion of educational programming at the student’s expense. • Fines – Monetary payments. • Restitution – Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service, money, or material replacement. • Educational Sanction – work assignments, essays, service to the Institution, community service, workshops, or other related educational activities. • Residence Suspension – Separation of the respondent from the Institution’s residence facilities for a definite period of time, after which the respondent is eligible to return. Conditions for return to the residence facilities may be specified. • Residence Expulsion – Permanent separation of the respondent from the institution’s residence facilities. A sanction of residence expulsion will take the form of residence suspension pending completion of the appeals process. • Suspension – Separation of the respondent from the institution for a definite period of time, after which the respondent is eligible to return. Conditions for return may be specified. A respondent who has been suspended from one Institution may not enroll at another institution until the period of suspension has ended. • Expulsion – Permanent separation of the respondent from the Institution. A respondent who has been expelled from one institution may not enroll at another institution. A sanction of expulsion will take the form of suspension pending completion of the appeals process. • Withholding Degree – the institution may withhold awarding a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the student conduct process or the completion of all conduct sanctions imposed. • Revoking Admission and/or Degree – the institution may revoke admission to, or a degree awarded from, the institution for violation of Institutional standards for obtaining admission or the degree, or for other serious violations of the Student Code committed by the respondent prior to graduation. Conduct sanctions shall not be made part of the respondent’s permanent academic record, but shall become part of the respondent’s conduct record. The respondent’s conduct record containing conduct sanctions other than suspension, expulsion, revoking admission and/or a degree, or withholding a degree, will be expunged seven (7) years after the date of the original finding of a violation of the