81 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 • Supporting documents submitted in support of the appeal reason(s) The Senior Student Affairs Officer will provide the other party a copy of the appeal and a reasonable amount of time to submit any materials to be considered. The Senior Student Affairs Officer will provide the Appellate Board with the materials submitted. The Appellate Board will review the materials submitted and provide a written recommendation to the Senior Student Affairs Officer as soon as practicable. The Senior Student Affairs Officer has sole discretion to adopt or reject the recommendation. In instances where the respondent appeals a decision reached by the Chair, sanctions or conditions may not be increased, introduced for the first time, or extended. If the recommendation is rejected, the Senior Student Affairs Officer will provide the Appellate Board with a written explanation for his/her decision. The Senior Student Affairs Officer shall determine the effective date of any conduct sanctions imposed. The effective date of any conduct sanctions shall not be delayed pending any further appeals. The Senior Student Affair Officer’s written decision shall be provided to the parties, along with the Appellate Board’s recommendation and, if rejected, the Senior Student Affairs Officer’s written explanation. The Senior Student Affairs Officer may return the matter to the hearing panel for reconsideration or to the Title IX/EEO Coordinator for additional investigation, in light of the written decision. 3.7.2. Appeal to the President of the Institution The respondent may appeal a decision reached by the Senior Student Affairs Officer. In matters involving allegations of Human Rights violations, the complainant may also appeal a decision reached by the Senior Student Affairs Officer. The appeal must be in writing and must be submitted to the President’s Office no later than five (5) days after notice of the Senior Student Affairs Officer’s decision is deemed received. The written appeal must cite at least one (1) of the following reasons for review and must include supporting arguments and documentation as to why an appeal should be granted on those grounds. The original hearing was conducted unfairly to the point that it substantially and materially affected the outcome; Using the facts found by the Chair, the conclusion regarding whether there was a violation(s) of the Student Code was incorrect; The conduct sanction(s) imposed were not appropriate for the violation of the student Code that the respondent was found to have committed; and/or New information that was unavailable at the time of the hearing has been discovered and could substantially and materially affect the outcome. The President has sole and complete discretion as to whether to agree to review an appeal, including what materials to consider. However, the President will not consider any reasons for review that were not previously raised in the appeal to the Appellate Board.