85 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2022-23 SOUTH DAKOTA BOARD OF REGENTS POLICY MANUAL 3:21 SUBJECT: Notification of Law Enforcement and Appropriate Persons that a Student is Missing 1. Reporting a Student as Missing A. Any person may report a university student as missing by filing a report with the university’s chief student affairs officer or at the university’s campus security office. It is not necessary to wait until the student has been missing for twenty-four hours before making a report. B. For purposes of this policy, a student is missing when the student’s whereabouts are unknown and unexplained for a period of time that would be regarded as highly unusual or suspicious by persons familiar with the student’s plans, habits or routines. 2. Institutional Response A. Upon receipt of a missing student report, student affairs or campus security personnel will promptly attempt to locate the student on campus or at other sites controlled by the university. 1. Initial efforts to contact students will involve telephone or other electronic communications. 2. If unable to contact the students by electronic means, university personnel will attempt to contact the students at their lodgings on the campus or in the municipal limits of the city where the university is located. 3. If students who reside in university controlled residences do not respond to electronic contacts or to knocking on their doors, student affairs personnel may enter the students’ rooms in order to assess the condition of the room and to look for visible personal property (wallet, keys, cell phone or clothing) that might provide clues as to whether the student has taken an extended trip or other planned absence from the residence hall. If the initial investigation is being undertaken by campus security officers, they will either request that student affairs personnel enter student rooms or they will obtain search warrants. 4. University personnel may pursue such additional or other investigative activities as are reasonable under the circumstances. B. If the university determines that the student has been missing for a period of twentyfour hours, or if it cannot locate the student and it determines that the student appears to be missing as per § 1(B), the university will immediately notify local law enforcement agencies that the student is missing. C. When the university notifies local law enforcement agencies, it will also notify such persons as the student may have designated pursuant to § 4(A), below, that the student is missing. 1. In the case of unemancipated students under the age of 18, the university will notify the students’ custodial parents or legal guardians. D. The university will determine whether circumstances suggest that others living, working or participating in activities at the university may be in danger, and if it determines that such a danger may exist, it will warn the campus. 3. Publication of this Policy A. Each university will publish this policy electronically through websites designed to convey emergency or law enforcement information; will incorporate its provisions into student handbooks, resident life or similar publications; and will otherwise assure that students know, or should know, of its provisions.