
Welcome to the revived newsletter. As before, the intent of our newsletter is to provide a variety of information pertinent to scholarship at Northern, such as interesting reads, tidbits of knowledge, unique grant opportunities, special announcements, and other related information. The hope is to provide a newsletter twice each academic year, once each semester. Sponsored Projects Dr. Alyssa Kiesow Northern State University 1200 S Jay St Aberdeen, SD 57401 Phone: 605-626-2602 Alyssa.Kiesow@northern.edu Undergraduate Research Dr. Andrew Russell Northern State University 1200 S Jay St Aberdeen, SD 57401 Phone: 605-626-2352 Andrew.Russell@northern.edu Exports Control Dr. Debbi Bumpous Northern State University 1200 S Jay St Aberdeen, SD 57401 Phone: 605-626-3394 Debbi.Bumpous@northern.edu Spring 2021 1 - Start small, start early Start early in your tenure as a faculty member. Shoot for small grants, build your grant repertoire, then explore a large-scale grant from notable agencies. 2 - Dream big, with the help of a mentor Make yourself a goal / vision of a grant you would like to get. Slowly build your grant writing credentials. Use a mentor / colleague to gain experience and perspective. 3 - Look at who and what got funded Gather information on past recipients. Grant agencies typically publish principal investigator name and contact information along with abstracts of past recipients, and contact them. 4 - Spend half your time on your abstract and aims A one-page sketch of your project with directed / intentional aims is critically important to guide the research but also provide a clear prospective to panel reviewers. 5 - Show that you can do the scholarship Collaborate with senior investigators, show actual working relationship with these individuals through teaching / scholarship. Provide evidence from small-scale activities as assurance to the granting agency. 6 - Match the methods and aims Design the grant so it is “doable” within the respective time frame. Supporting an overly ambitious proposal is not the goal of granting agency, rather agencies look for a well-designed and focused proposal. 7 - You can never have too many figures / tables Figures and tables make it easier for panel reviewers to understand the context of the proposal but also the timeline and direction of the proposal. Use tables and figures throughout the proposal. 8 - Seek external reviewers prior to submission Writing requires review and editing. Having an individual simply look for edits, clarity, and errors is helpful in the grant writing process. Further, have an individual in the field of expertise with a knowledge of how agencies fund review it. 9 - Be kind to reviewers Use the grant review criteria as subheadings in your proposal. It makes it much easier to read and review according to the requirements of the grant program. 10 - Choose a topic of interest Choose something in your field that is interesting and exciting to you. Your interest in the topic will shine through on the proposal. *Note: Information on competitive proposals collected from Chronicle of Higher Education. SEMESTER ISSUE If you are interested in applying for a grant, please contact Sponsored Projects office (see contact below) for pre-award and post-award guidance.

Sponsored Projects Dr. Alyssa Kiesow Northern State University 1200 S Jay St Aberdeen, SD 57401 Phone: 605-626-2602 Alyssa.Kiesow@northern.edu Undergraduate Research Dr. Andrew Russell Northern State University 1200 S Jay St Aberdeen, SD 57401 Phone: 605-626-2352 Andrew.Russell@northern.edu Exports Control Dr. Debbi Bumpous Northern State University 1200 S Jay St Aberdeen, SD 57401 Phone: 605-626-3394 Debbi.Bumpous@northern.edu Spring 2021 1 - Ford Foundation Fellowships - Science/Engineering: https://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/FordFellowships/index.htm - Social Sciences/Justice: https://www.fordfoundation.org/work/investing-inindividuals/the-ford-global-fellowship/ 2 - Arthur Vining Davis Foundation - https://www.avdf.org/ 3 - Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation - https://woodrow.org/ 4 - Bush Foundation - https://www.bushfoundation.org/ 5 - Fulbright Fellowships - https://www.cies.org/ 6 - Humboldt Foundation - https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/ 7 - National Science Foundation Education and Human Resources (EHR) - https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504924 8 - National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) - https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504793 9 - National Science Foundation Research at Primarily Undergrad Institutions (PUI) –https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5518 10 - Russell Sage Foundation - https://www.russellsage.org/ 11- National Institute of Health (NIH) R15, AREA - https://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/r15.htm SEMESTER ISSUE If you are interested in applying for a grant, please contact Sponsored Projects office (see contact below) for pre-award and post-award guidance. Pivot is a resource we have at Northern State University, and many of these grant opportunities are provided through this resource. To access Pivot, please register/enroll using the guidance provided in “Accessing Pivot for NSU,” which is available in MyNSU>NSU Faculty Staff>Employee Resources>Office of Sponsored Projects. An interesting and great read regarding grants, can be found via the following website: https://www.chronicle.com/article/becoming-a-successful-principalinvestigator/