22 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2023-24 CLASS ATTENDANCE, DROP, WITHDRAWAL, AND REFUND INFORMATION When a student enrolls in a class, they “own” the class. This indicates that the student is expected to pay for the class, participate in the class, and receive the earned grade for the class. If a student discovers they are unable to attend the class, proper steps must be taken, and results may vary depending on attendance dates and the completion point in the semester. This document provides information about specific terminology, benefits of attendance, and the implications of dropping and withdrawing from classes. Terminology Drop – to remove a single course from your schedule up through the 70% completion point in a semester. Withdraw – to remove (drop) all classes from your schedule for a particular semester. This requires the student to contact the Registrar’s office, complete an online form, and successfully submit it. What happens if I want to drop a class before the first day of classes? The student may contact their academic advisor to discuss the impact of dropping this class on their plan of study and to walk them through the process of dropping a class in Self-Service Banner (SSB). If the advisor is unavailable, or SSB will not accept the drop, the student may contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance. What happens if I drop a class before or on the day of census date (the date by which 10 percent of the class days have been completed in a semester)? If a student drops a class through census date, the class no longer appears on their transcript, is not counted as attempted and charges/aid are removed. What happens if I drop a class after census date, but through the 70% completion point in the semester? The class remains on the transcript and shows a withdrawal grade. WD is the code that is used for the first six (6) individual drops and does not impact grade point average. After the first six (6) individual drops, a WFL grade will be assigned – this grade counts just like an F in the GPA calculations. Classes with 0 credits and graduate level classes that are dropped will receive a W grade which also does not count in GPA. These dropped classes will count as attempted, but unearned credits in financial aid satisfactory progress calculations. Can I drop a class after the 70% completion point in the semester? No, unless there are extenuating circumstances. In such a case a Petition for late drop-withdrawal may be filed by the student. These cannot be submitted longer than 30 days from the end of the term. What happens if I withdraw from all my classes before the census date? The classes are removed from the transcript, are not counted as attempts, charges are removed, and financial aid would be cancelled. A WD 101/801 notation is added to the transcript with the date the withdrawal was completed. What happens if I withdraw from all classes after the census date, but up through the 70% completion point in the semester? The classes remain on the transcript and are counted as attempted. A WW grade is applied, which does not count in GPA calculations. *Refunds may be generated if the withdrawal is completed by the 60% completion point of the semester. The amount of financial aid a student can keep and the amount of charges are pro-rated depending on the day the withdrawal form is submitted. *