28 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2023-24 school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using University employees or officials (such as commencement photographers, NSU Foundation, or consultants, an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. Per the Solomon Amendment, recruiting information is supplied upon request to U.S. military recruiters. Students may change information on their record if they can prove it is inaccurate. Grade changes are made at the request of the faculty member who gave the original grade and with the approval of the faculty chair. Student records, including admission records, are maintained under the supervision of the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. Academic records are maintained under the supervision of the Registrar. A complete copy of NSU Privacy Act Policies and Procedures is available on the Registrar’s Office website. STUDENT ACADEMIC APPEAL POLICY There are three forms for submission of different types of student academic petitions: • Academic Policy Exception Petition Form • Petition for Late Drop/Withdrawal with or without Refund • Final Grade/Academic Decision Appeal Form These forms are available at the MyNSU student portal page at Academics>Registrar. The Academic Policy Exception Petition Form is for petitioning for an exception to an academic policy. This form should be completed and submitted to records@northern.edu or be delivered to the Registrar’s Office. These petitions must be brought within thirty calendar days from the date of the pertinent deadline or end of the pertinent course or academic term. Decisions of the Registrar are final. The Petition for Late Drop/Withdrawal Form is for petitioning for a late course drop or withdrawal. This form should be completed and submitted to records@northern.edu or be delivered to the Registrar’s Office. These petitions must be brought within thirty calendar days from the date of the pertinent deadline or end of the pertinent course or academic term. Decisions of the Registrar are final. The Final Grade/Academic Decision Appeal Form is submitted as part of a Student Academic Appeal involving a final course grade or other action that has similar finality, such as denial of admission to an undergraduate major or refusal to permit the continuation of an academic program. See below. Student Academic Appeal Procedure NSU’s Student Academic Appeal Policy is derived from BOR Policy 2:9. 1. Timing and Substantive Conditions on Appeals A. Academic appeals may be brought only by students who were registered during the term in which the disputed action was taken. B. Academic appeals may be brought only from final course grades or other actions that have similar finality, such as, without limitation, denial of admission to an undergraduate major or refusal to permit the continuation of an academic program. C. Academic appeals must be brought within thirty calendar days from the date that the student received notification of the action. If this action occurs within fifteen calendar days before the end of the term, the student must bring an appeal within fifteen calendar days after the beginning of the academic term (fall, spring, or summer) following the term in which the challenged action was taken. A student may petition the provost for an extension of this timeline if circumstances prevented a timely appeal.