38 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2023-24 B. All fundraising and solicitation efforts by university departments that occur off-campus must be approved by the department head, the NSU Foundation Executive Director and the Vice President for Finance and Administration. C. Organizations that solicit items from the local business community must provide the NSU Foundation Executive Director and the Vice President for Finance and Administration with a list of items received, stating value, where, and from whom solicited. Organizations may not solicit the business community for cash gifts. Information and assistance in soliciting off-campus organizations and businesses is available. Contact the NSU Foundation, Beckman Building, 605-626-3005. III. Approval for Off-Campus Organizations A. Commercial products may be sold on campus only when those products meet a need not presently being filled by university services. B. Vendors wishing to sell on campus must be approved by the University Bookstore Manager, the Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership. Prevailing facility rental rates will apply for any space desired, unless sponsored by a campus department or recognized student organization. C. Organizations may not bring food on campus without the approval of the Dining Services Director. IV. Violations A. Solicitation/fundraising activities found in violation of this policy will be halted by the Student Affairs personnel or other campus personnel and the sponsoring organization or department will be penalized according to the following schedule: 1. First violation - a phone call will be made, and a follow-up letter sent, to the organization’s chief officer and to the advisor. In the case of a department, the appropriate department chair or dean will be contacted. 2. Second violation - revocation of solicitation/fundraising privileges for not less than thirty (30) in-session school days. 3. Third violation - referral of the student organization to the Student Senate for consideration of revocation of recognition. Also, suspension of solicitation/fundraising privileges for not less than ninety (90) in-session school days.