86 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2023-24 The President has sole and complete discretion as to whether to agree to review an appeal, including what materials to consider. However, the President will not consider any reasons for review that were not previously raised in the appeal to the Appellate Board. If the President agrees to review an appeal, the President will provide the other party/parties a copy of the appeal and a reasonable amount of time to submit any materials to be considered. The President will provide a written decision to the parties, and to the Senior Student Affairs Officer. The decision may be a substantive one, or may merely indicate that the President has declined to review the appeal. The President may return the matter to the Senior Student Affairs Officer or hearing panel for reconsideration, or to the Title IX/EEO Coordinator for additional investigation, in light of the written decision. 3.7.3. Appeal to the Board of Regents After exercising and exhausting all appeals available at the institutional level, the respondent may appeal a decision reached by the President. In matters involving allegations of Human Rights violations, the complainant may also appeal a decision reached by the President after exercising and exhausting all appeals available at the Institutional level. The appeal must be in writing and must be submitted to the Executive Director of the Board of Regents no later than thirty (30) days after notice of the President’s decision is deemed received. The appeal must include the following: • Supporting arguments and documentation; • All documentation provided by the institution, including, at a minimum, the President’s decision, the Senior Student Affairs Officer’s decision, and the Chair’s decision. Written appeals that fail to include supporting arguments and documents, and the documentation provided by the institution will be rejected. An appeal submitted to the Executive Director that is not covered by subsection e) below may be considered by the Executive Director. In these instances, the Executive Director has sole and complete discretion as to whether to agree to review an appeal, including what materials to consider. If the Executive Director agrees to review an appeal, the Executive Director will provide the other party a copy of the appeal and a reasonable amount of time to submit any materials to be considered. The Executive Director will provide a written decision to the parties, and to the President. The Executive Director may return the matter to the President, Senior Student Affairs Officer, or hearing panel for reconsideration or to the Title IX/EEO Coordinator for additional investigation, in light of the written decision. An appeal submitted to the Executive Director must be considered by the Board of Regents where a student has been expelled or suspended based upon alleged violations of Board Policy 3:4; or a disciplinary action allegedly deprived the student of a right or privilege protected by a specific term or provision of Board Policy or state or federal constitution, law, or regulation.