NSU Student Handbook 2024

CAMPUS SERVICES FAX SERVICE The Student Affairs Office maintains a fax machine for use by students, faculty, and staff for the transmission of personal materials. Charges for outgoing faxes are $0.75 for the cover page and $0.25 for each page after that. Incoming faxes are charged at $0.25 per page. The fax phone number is (605) 626-2531. For more information about this service, visit Student Center Room 222 or call 626-3007. LOST AND FOUND Lost and found items can be reclaimed at the Student Affairs Office, (SC-222) or the NSU Student Center Information Desk (lower level NSU Student Center) in the evenings. Lost and found items may be reported by filling out a lost article form. Call 626-3007 for more information. PARKING AND FINES Campus community members who operate one or more vehicles on the NSU campus must purchase a parking permit if they wish to park in any campus parking lot. There will be two permit colors. Dark Brown – allows you to park in any lot on campus EXCEPT the Visitor lot at the northwest corner of JFAC. Faculty, staff and students must purchase brown permits on line and pick them up at the Physical Plant. Permits will be available for pickup the day after purchase. The cost of the brown parking permit is $135.00 per year. At the start of the second semester, the cost will be $67.50. Light Pink – allows you to park in any parking lot EXECPT the Washington Street lot, Steele Hall lot and the Visitor parking lot. Faculty, staff and students must purchase pink permits on line and pick them up at the Physical Plant. Permits will be available for pickup the day after purchase. The cost of the pink parking permit is $81.00 per year. At the start of the second semester, the cost of a permit will be $40.50. • First ticket is a warning; one warning per school year. • Second ticket will be billed as $30.00 for no NSU parking permit displayed or parked in the visitor lot or $15.00 for any other violation. Permits are required for fall and spring semesters. A parking permit is not required for motorcycles as long as they are parked in the designated motorcycle parking area. Detailed parking regulations are available from the Facilities Management office, 626-2560. POSTAL SERVICES The NSU Post Office handles all mail for the university and is located in the lower level of the Student Center. It offers many services for sending letters and mail off campus also. Students should check their NSU e-mail for e-notices for their packages arriving at NSU. For more information, please contact 605-626-2656. CHANGE OF ADDRESS When a student has a change of address, they should notify the the Registrar’s Office. 15 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2024-25