NORTHERN TODAY 9 SPRING 2022 NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSI TY | News “ PARTNERSHIP involving Northern State University, the Aberdeen Development Corporation and the Center on Rural Innovation (CORI) aims to bring new technology—and new jobs—to northeast South Dakota. CORI is a nonprofit organization that partners with rural leaders across the country to build digital economies in rural America. CORI recently announced the first round of American Connection Communities, including Aberdeen, which will benefit from its Rural Innovation Initiative. “CORI engaged Aberdeen and Northern in this process, identifying strategies to create more and new digital jobs and tech startups in the Aberdeen area,” said Dr. Hannah Walters, NSU Assistant Professor of Marketing. Walters also indicated that key elements of that strategy are new and updated curriculum, creating space for tech entrepreneurs to launch their ideas, education to prepare tech workers, and connecting entrepreneurs and workers to grow businesses, the economy, and career opportunities in Aberdeen and the region. “Aberdeen has two strong assets in place,” Walters said, “a strong entrepreneurial spirit and long history of entrepreneurial success and broadband availability with additional access planned.” She added, “Our strategy is focused on preparing students for the future of work and serving the community at large.” Mike Bockorny, Chief Executive Officer of the Aberdeen Development Corporation, said the Innovation Center will be a regional resource intended to benefit all in northeast South Dakota. “This will be accomplished by a focused marketing effort, engaging partners and professors,” he said. “The ultimate goal is to have ideas turn into businesses. These businesses then create great paying jobs, which in turn helps everyone.” Bockorny said officials are in the process of applying for two additional grants for the project that would help kick the project off in a big way. “We have been searching for an avenue to diversify the Aberdeen economy by opening a door to a new category of industry,” he said. “With the help of CORI, we now have a plan on how to introduce a digital ecosystem and entrepreneurship into Aberdeen, which will spread across all of northeast South Dakota. We are excited about what this will mean for the future economy in our region!” NSU, Aberdeen Development Corporation partner with Center On Rural Innovation A feature modern integrated social learning spaces, and drive future-oriented collaborations with the community to enhance regional economic development.” The facility will also feature f lexible entrepreneurial spaces to foster collaborative efforts. Northern is already partnering with the Aberdeen Development Corporation and the Center for Rural Innovation on an initiative aiming to create new digital jobs and tech startups in the Aberdeen area. The building is also expected to house Northern’s Admissions Office, and it will create a welcoming front door to campus for students, families and visitors. If authorized, the NSU Business and Innovation Center would tentatively open in fall 2024. The ultimate goal is to have ideas turn into businesses. ”