
Swimming Lessons By Dawn Rouse You see, the hardest lesson you will ever learn is that there are some paths you were never meant to take You will discover that despite all of its infinite wisdom, sometimes fate gets it wrong Sometimes your heart leads you astray I learned hardest with you. You were sweet like plums; you beckoned red lips and naïve teeth I bit into you expecting nectar, but all I got was a mouth full of poison I found you where the lava meets the sea; constantly burning each other up and putting each other out They say everything happens for a reason, but there was no lesson in you not loving me There is no optimism in injecting another’s soul into your marrow You see, some love will make a home in your bones Some love will grow wildflowers in your ribcage, but where some love grows gardens, You set fires. You burned down forests. I suppose looking back you were inevitable, given the choice I would always walk down your path Because for a brief moment We were invincible. We hurled toward each other at the speed of light We were falling comets, We conquered nations, We danced in the storm, We had no fear of the night for we created the constellations, My darling they named hurricanes after us! If only we had learned to tread water. In the end we were just tiny oceans, and we swam in each other for as long as we could There were no life rafts, no passing ships, There were no fleeting hopes We just drowned. Back to Contents 53