
44 Creative Waves of Destruction Nathan Abraham In my distant memories, I have forgotten how to say no, I must only be a yes-sayer! to believe in the perpetual variances of a de-centered life, to move without carrying the weights of absurd refinements constructed by haughty highbrow hypocrites, to increase my path through remote untraveled desert routes, to join with the lunatic fringe hanging on the edge of no return. Ah, this is what life is, to engage in the immortal, inexhaustible, inexorable non-repetitive cadence of divergent degrees, to conjoin myself with Art, the great builder and destroyer that flashes through waves of ever increasing time, riding the perpetual flux of eons floating through infinite space. The rage, the fight, the mixture of toxic sludge decomposing the empty skeletons of dawn who search the space-less shadows that crash, burn, and rage beneath the elemental fury down-pouring with torrential winds of high energy fields. Oh, I laugh with the magnificent, maddening maelstroms of life, the sheer terror of creation and destruction, the amplified waves of disintegrated delight. The reasons of existence, the unknown latent terror of death, the immeasurable powers of creation all converge and increase to a glorious focal point of intensity surging with lightning flashes through my exploding veins! I burst through the acrid city air, searing my image into the beckoning bright dizzying days ahead. Shouting sparks sling in-between empty days growing to life with electrified waves of metrical precision. Shattering molds spin and fly apart deconstructing, disintegrating and exploding into a million shiny shards scattering to life with coiled magnetic intensity! Hurling my way into and beside the daylight air, I witness the mighty mob churning like a billion burning bees blossoming into a glowing wave of indestructible light. Unexpected heights rise from the deep mysterious subterranean blues of my existence, expanding to the distant golden chimes of the great unseen twilight stretched beyond the measure of day. I see the people shadowed by elements of hidden hubris marked by their smug faces, laughing inside their spiritless shells. I charge the propellers of twilight to ignite the fire of my primal power surge, to carve my way through the de-constructors of death.