
7 I look up and the creature is standing over me. My god, it looks even worse up close. It must be damn near eight feet tall. Nasty pale-yellow skin. Honestly, it looks like a color Dwight Schrute would wear for a shirt. Such black hair too. Not the best color combination for a person but fantastic for a monster or whatever the hell this thing is. It ironically has nice white teeth, so it’s got that going for it. Now that I got a look at its face, it’s time for me to get outta here. Time to use my ever-cunning mind. I simply look up at this thing, smile, and say, “Sorry B, I was looking for someone else down here. He promised me a red balloon and I came to claim. He’s a clown. Face is white, bright red hair, puffy man dress. You seen him? Can you point me his way?” Please, for the love of God, look around so I can escape. He just stands there, though, looking at me. A few seconds pass before it finally says something. “Why did you call me an insect?” Well, shit, that didn’t work. “What now?” “You said, ‘Sorry bee’ but I am not an insect.” “No, I meant B as in the letter. It means ‘good friend.’” “How can I be your friend if I only now met you?” “It’s an expression.” “A rather odd one.” “Maybe. Have you seen my clown?” “I am afraid I have not.” “Alright, well I’ll be on my way then.” I pick myself up, ass still soaking wet, and turn to leave. I just turn around when I hear, “Wait.” I stop; what does it possibly want? With my heart pumping as if I’ve been running a marathon, I turn around. “Yeah?” I ask. “Why were you following me? I may not be familiar with this area or time, but I do know your clown reasoning is a lie. I saw the same clown you described on the giant moving picture frame on the tall house, so I know you aren’t looking for him.” Area or time? Giant moving picture frame? Tall house? I’m about to die; I’ve found a decaying crazy man and he’s gonna murder me right in the sewers. Fuck. Me. I guess I’ll just have to answer him honestly and hope that’s enough to let me leave. Honesty; hmm that’s gonna be a first. “Alright, I’ll tell you the truth. I saw you float in the water and climb into the sewer. This, this whole thing is what we call a sewer.” I paused my explanation to specify as he had a confused look when I said “sewer.” “I have never seen someone like you before, so I followed you to find out what you are.” Please let this be enough of an explanation. It responds, “You have found me, but do you know what I am?” Once again, shit! Why did I say it like that? I don’t care what he is; I just wanted a closer look. Why didn’t I just say, “I just wanted to get a closer look at you.” Idiot, idiot, idiot! I quickly compose myself and answer, “I don’t know what you are.” “And do you actually care about what I am?” “To be honest, not really; I cared more about just seeing you up close.” “You have achieved that, yet you are still here.” “I thought you’d hurt me if I tried to leave.” “If I was going to hurt you, I would have done so by now.” “So I’m able to leave?” “If you desire, but I would be grateful if you never spoke of me to anyone.” “That won’t be a problem. Alright, well, bye!” I turn without looking at it and start walking away. Some bit of relief, but also, regret. I actually do want to know what it is. My damn curiosity has always gotten me into trouble but not this time. Not today at least. I keep walking.