10 She answers, “Woah B, what kind of philosophical question is that?” “I ask only because I see a similarity in our upbringing. We were both made in a sense but abandoned by our creators. We were then more shaped by our experiences with society and it’s what made us who we are now. I felt anger from being abandoned and being treated as an outsider, so I sought revenge. This is why I ask my question.” Emma sits for a few moments, as if thinking about how to answer my question. Finally, she answers, “I guess I’ve never looked at who I am as a creation of my parents and society. I see what you mean, though, but I’ve been happy with who I am. While it’s gotten me into trouble and never gotten me a proper home, I’ve stayed true to who I am and that’s what matters to me. Yeah, it would be nice to have a parent or friend to love you or want you, but I’m always going to be by my side; people can come and go but you’re with you forever. You gotta be happy with yourself. Geez, I never pictured myself talking deep personal stuff, especially in a sewer.” I ponder what she has said. She’s come to accept herself. Is this something I could someday do? Would I be able to be satisfied with who I am? “Tell me, do you think that is something anyone can do?” I ask Emma. “I suppose it is,” she responds. “Where could I begin to do this?” Emma sits there, once again looking to be deep in thought, until she stands up and says, “I see what you mean in that we have a lot of similarities, and while I have no idea how you can start accepting who you are, big guy, I wanna be there when you can. I don’t think it was a coincidence that I followed you in here; I think there’s a reason our paths crossed, and it’s to help each other. If you’re willin’, I wanna stay by your side for a while. What do ya say?” Emma extends her hand to me. For the first time, someone asking to be by my side, to help me, to see me build myself—someone I’ve been waiting for to help me. I only think for a minute. “I am willing.” And I take her hand.
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