17 Almost every kid when they are young thinks that their parents are the perfect match. Soulmates. Later on, they realize that their parents maybe aren’t perfect, nor do they have the capacity to be perfect. I thought my parents had that love, but God decided their time together was complete and that they no longer needed to be together. My mom passed and left a gaping hole in our family. No longer did I have the person to teach me how to clean, cook, and care for others. Even though I was with my sister and father, I was alone. I was hurt. I was . . . empty. That is where my love of love began. I once heard that finding your soulmate can fill any broken or empty heart, so I started looking for that soulmate to fill my heart. My dad and sister consider emotions in the same way, never talking about or showing them. I, however, did not have that same reaction. I showed my emotions. I had my heart on my sleeve. As time went on, not being able to talk about my emotions with family made me put up a wall. I no longer would show someone when I was in pain, hurting, or sad. I put on the happy face that was familiar to all of my peers and suppressed everything. I wanted to find the soulmate to fill that emptiness in my heart, but I’m still looking for that and I haven’t figured out where to find it. For now I’ll work my hardest and I’ll do the best I can with what I’ve got. The best advice I can give anyone is the idea that you’ll find your soulmate when you’re not looking. I worked all the time and found the best people to hang out with while keeping myself busy to keep my mind off of the hole in my heart. However, you can’t expect someone to love you if you can’t love yourself. I’ve realized you can’t get a significant other if you aren’t happy and want to be; quite honestly, your sadness is going to get in the way. I like to think that finding a significant other should heighten emotions that are already existent. So if you’re happy, you’ll become happier in a perfect world. This is what I’m looking for. I’m a modern teenager seeking old-fashioned love. Modern Teenager Seeking Old-Fashioned Love Madi Filber
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