To our contributors, sponsors, community members, and everyone else who supports our annual magazine: I would like to thank you for everything you do to keep the Northern Lights magazine an annual occurrence. Without contributors, we would not have anything to publish. Without our sponsors, we would not have funds to create a print version of the magazine. Without community members, we would not have nearly enough support to acknowledge that we are making an impact on people outside of the Northern campus. Each and every person who interacts with Northern Lights helps the magazine succeed and, more importantly, gives our authors and artists a voice and a place to be heard. Even though this 2020-21 school year was quite challenging, we successfully launched two issues and I was quite happy to start putting in motion changes within the organization to begin expanding it in great ways. Thank you for continuing to support Northern Lights ! Madi Filber Editor-in-Chief A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief
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