NORTHERN TODAY 2 FALL 2021 EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM Dr. Neal Schnoor, President Ms. Veronica Paulson, Vice President for Finance and Administration Dr. Michael Wanous, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Mr. Justin Fraase, Vice President of Enrollment, Communications and Marketing Dr. Debbi Bumpous, Vice President for Technology/CIO Ms. Terri Holmes, Interim Athletic Director, University Athletics Mr. Sean Blackburn, Dean of Student Affairs Mr. Zach Flakus, President and CEO, NSU Foundation DESIGNED AND PRODUCED BY NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING FOR THE NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION WRITTEN BY Elissa Dickey Ashley Gauer Alec Schoof TJ Kaniewski Caitline Blinder ABOUT NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY Northern State University is a premier residential, regional, liberal arts institution characterized by outstanding instruction, extraordinary community relations and unparalleled co-curricular opportunities. In August 2021, NSU was again named by U.S. News and World Report as one of the best regional undergraduate public schools in the Midwest. For more information, visit our website at northern. edu. Northern Today is published biannually by Northern State University, 1200 S. Jay St., Aberdeen, SD 57401, for Northern alumni and friends. Recipients receive the publication after completion of a degree or by requesting a subscription. SUBSCRIBE | GIVE A GIFT CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS CONTACT US TWITTER AlumniNSU FACEBOOK NSU Alumni Association EMAIL 4 Award Schmidt wins Sanford Faculty Professional Development Award 4 Pedagogy Northern awarded grant 5 Northern Night Northern Night has supported NSU students for more than 20 years 5 Virtual reality Education students practice for the classroom through virtual reality 6 Kidney disease Student working on research that could help people with kidney disease 7 Honors Program Northern State University honors program students conducting research projects 8 Summer project NSU students participate in summer mosquito surveillance project 9 Distance education As distance education grows, Northern State continues to pave the way 10 Research Students conducting summer research 11 Faculty Q&A: Dr. Andrew Russell 12 ‘Songs of Inclusivity’ Making a difference through music: Bultema, Miller win Nora Staael Evert Research Award for ‘Songs of Inclusivity’ 13 Awards Walters wins Sanford Faculty Professional Development Award 14 Athletics NSU Athletics Fall Highlights 16 Awards Henderson and Rojas wins Sanford Faculty Professional Development Award 17 Grandma’s Marathon NSU cross country, track and field alumna wins Grandma’s Marathon 18 Alumni News See class notes, celebrations and memorials. Contents ON THE COVER Ryan Clay, Aberdeen p. Mosquito surveillance 8 p. NSU Athletics Fall Highlights 14 p. ‘Songs of Inclusivity’ 12