
- 15 - • Helps make the campus a safe and welcoming home environment for students, faculty and staff. • Makes presentations on topics including safety, steps to reduce crime, theft prevention, appropriate use of social media, drug and alcohol issues, sexual assault awareness and prevention, and more. • Answers law enforcement-related and campus or community resource questions. Other members of the Aberdeen Police Department make regular rounds throughout the Northern State University campus. Accident and Illness Any accident or illness should be reported to your Hall Staff immediately. Parking Campus community members who operate one or more vehicles on the NSU campus must purchase a parking permit at the Parking Office in the Facilities Management Building Rm. 216, 626-2560. Permits are required for fall and spring semesters. A parking permit is not required for motorcycles as long as they are parked in the designated motorcycle parking area. The cost of a parking permit is set by the Univerity and is published by the Office of Finance. • First ticket warning; one warning per school year. • Second ticket will be billed as $30.00 for no NSU parking permit displayed or $15.00 for any other violation. Detailed parking regulations are available from the Facilities Management office, (605) 626- 2560. Insurance Northern State University is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen, or damaged in the residence halls. Nor does the university have insurance on student’s personal property. Many homeowners’ insurance policies cover students’ belongings while away at college. We recommend that you check with your family and insurance agent to verify that coverage exists for your personal belongings while living on campus. If you do not have coverage, information on a low cost insurance program can be obtained through the Office of Residence Life or by calling The National Student Services Inc. at 1-800-256-6774. Students are encouraged to utilize our Operation Registration process as referenced later in this Guide. Fire Should the fire alarm in your residence hall be activated, every resident is required to evacuate the building immediately using the nearest stairwell or exit. Upon moving into your residence hall, please review all emergency evacuation plans posted throughout the building. In the event of a fire, please keep the following tips in mind while evacuating the building: ✓ Feel the door from top to bottom. ✓ If the door is cool, crouch low and open the door slowly. ✓ If visibility permits, exit by using the stairwells. ✓ Remember to stay as low as possible, crawling if necessary when smoky conditions exist. ✓ If you encounter heavy smoke in a stairwell, go back and use another set of stairs. ✓ If you are not in your room when the alarm sounds, proceed directly to the nearest exit. DO NOT RETURN TO YOUR ROOM.