- 16 - ✓ If trapped in a room take the following steps: ▪ If possible, call 911 and report your situation. ▪ Wedge wet towels or clothing under the door jam to keep smoke out. ▪ Keep a soaked towel over your head. ▪ Stay low, try to breathe fresh air near the window. ▪ Open window and signal fireman with a sheet or blanket. ✓ Do not return to the building until the all-clear is given by the fire personnel or staff. Failure to evacuate the building will result in disciplinary action. Anyone setting off a fire alarm by pulling the alarm or any form of tampering with smoke detectors will be held accountable through the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities. Please see the Northern State University student handbook for further disciplinary information. Tornadoes In South Dakota, tornadoes generally occur during the months of March through September. Be alert for these danger signs: severe thunderstorms with frequent lightning, hail, roaring noise, funnel clouds, heavy rain, strong winds, and loss of electricity. A tornado watch indicates that conditions are conducive to the development of a tornado. The local office of the National Weather Service will issue a warning bulletin to local authorities as well as the local media (TV networks and radio stations). When a tornado watch is issued, students are not required to seek shelter. A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sited or detected by radar. Residents must seek shelter immediately. Each Residence Hall has a weather monitor that will notify them of any warnings in the vicinity. You will be alerted about severe weather, even during evening and night hours. Please follow the procedures listed below when seeking shelter: ✓ Go to the lowest possible floor ✓ Stay away from windows and do not open any windows ✓ If possible, go to an area that is reinforced (i.e. a bathroom or shower stall) ✓ If time allows, get a mattress/pillow to help shelter from flying debris ✓ Stay in a crouched position until the hall staff has cleared you to return to your room Missing Person Policy A student is missing when the student’s whereabouts are unknown and unexplained for a period of time that would be regarded as highly unusual or suspicious by persons familiar with the student’s plans, habits or routines. It is not necessary to wait until the student has been missing for twenty-four hours before making a report. If a student is required to reside on campus, but chooses to live in a space other than their assigned hall (off campus, etc.) the Residence Life Department will make every effort to contact those students in situations that fall under this policy. Any person may report a university student as missing by filing a report with: 1. Vice President of Student Affairs (626-2530) 2. Director of Student’s Rights and Responsibilities (626-3007) 3. Campus Police Officer (380-8925) If students who reside in university controlled residences do not respond to electronic contacts or to knocking on their doors, student affairs personnel may enter the students’ rooms in order to assess the condition of the rooms and to look for visible personal property (wallet, keys, cell phone or clothing) that might provide clues as to whether the student has taken an extended trip or other planned absence from the residence hall. If the initial investigation is being undertaken
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