
- 21 - Resident’s Rights, Responsibilities & Standards of Behavior The Office of Residence Life has authority and responsibility to insure that fair and clear standards of behavior are established, along with equitable procedures for adjudication in the application of these standards. It is important that each resident becomes familiar with their rights and responsibilities and standards of behavior expressed herein, in order that the residence hall experience will be of greatest benefit to all. These rights and responsibilities are intended to represent a balance between the student's need for self-governance and freedom and the institution's responsibility to insure an environment conducive to accomplishing its educational mission. Like all citizens, you enjoy the same constitutional rights and the same responsibilities to respect the rights of others. Each member of the campus community has the right to organize his/her own personal life and behavior, so long as it does not violate the law or does not interfere with the rights of others or the educational process. Due to the nature of the educational process, you also have specific rights and responsibilities as a member of the academic community. Students are expected to conduct themselves as mature members of the Northern community, respecting the rights of others, and making full use of their educational opportunities. Mutual respect and consideration coupled with an awareness of and sensitivity to the needs of other individuals must be the standards for living in a residence hall. The following Bill of Rights is intended to suggest minimum expectations of rights and responsibilities of hall residents, and as roommates, in actualizing their freedom, without placing constraints upon the rights of other residents. These rights carry with them a reciprocal responsibility on the part of the individual to insure those same rights of other residents. RESIDENT BILL OF RIGHTS 1. The RIGHT to read and study, free from undue interference in and around one's room. Unreasonable noise and other distractions inhibit the exercise of this right. 2. The RIGHT to sleep without disturbance from noise, guests, or roommates, etc. 3. The RIGHT to expect that a roommate and others will respect one's personal belongings. 4. The RIGHT to a clean, safe environment in which to live. 5. The RIGHT to free access to one's room and facilities without pressure from a roommate. 6. The RIGHT to personal privacy. 7. The RIGHT to host guests with the expectation that guests are to respect the rights of the host's roommate and other hall residents, and Residence Life policy. 8. The RIGHT to express themselves within the established guidelines 9. The RIGHT to written or electronic access to copies of university housing rules and regulations. 10. The RIGHT to expect enforcement of the housing agreement/contract. 11. The RIGHT to individual and group educational and developmental opportunities in their living community. 12. The RIGHT to redress of grievances. Residence hall staffs are available for assistance in settling conflicts. 13. The RIGHT to expect reasonable cooperation in the use of the "room-shared" appliances (TV, refrigerator, etc.) and a commitment to honor agreed-upon payment procedures. 14. The RIGHT to be free from fear of intimidation, physical and/or emotional harm.