

2 | NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY 2024˜25 Season Highlights PAGE 5 Virinca Trio in concert PAGE 8 South Dakota Jazz Festival PAGE 8 PAGE 7 Amber Hanson Exhibition PAGE 7 Celebrating Black History Month PAGE 5 Angela Zonunpari and Eli Show Exhibition PAGE 5 The Female of the Species PAGE 10 Brulé!

As we enter the 2024-25 academic year, I want to thank you so much for your support of our program. Northern State University’s School of Fine Arts enjoys a much-deserved reputation as the premier arts destination in our region. This is reflected in the community’s deep sense of pride in our accomplishments, as well as a tradition of achievement from our faculty and students. Additionally, we embrace the arts as a source of resilience, expression, and revitalization. One of the newest centerpieces of this vision is the Molded Fiber Glass South Dakota Art Pavilion, shown on the cover of this brochure. Located directly east of Spa˛ord Hall on the NSU campus, this space will showcase 3D artwork of NSU art students, faculty, and visiting artists. It will also provide visitors and passers-by with a view of the artists’ creative processes. Originally launched in 2019 with a generous $30,000 gift from the Molded Fiber Glass Foundation, the project recently benefitted from an additional $67,000 of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, approved for this specific use by the United States Department of Education. The pavilion is part of the School of Fine Arts’ mission to align our facilities with a more modern and collaborative curriculum, and create new learning experiences for our students. I am proud of NSU’s commitment to providing a superior education in the visual and performing arts, where students develop their talents, refine their passions, and ultimately become leaders in their chosen fields. Now more than ever, we have created an academic environment that encourages students to explore a multitude of artistic opportunities, wherever their talents lead them. Truly, our students do it all! As you peruse this booklet, I hope you enjoy the chance to review the past year in photos, preview the exciting 2024-25 season, and consider contributing to the School of Fine Arts’ growing base of support. As always, I look forward to sharing and celebrating our bright future with you. Warm regards, Dr. Kenneth O. Boulton Dean, School of Fine Arts NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 3 Dr. Kenneth O. Boulton Dean, School of Fine Arts FROM THE Dean

INSPIRING Support Devin Thielen portrays Tiger Lily in NSU Theatre’s production of Jeremy Bloom’s Peter/Wendy. 4 | NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY Your support inspires us to be better and achieve more – and we’re looking forward to building on our incredible history!

NSU Chamber Singers perform at the annual NSU Bach’s Lunch Concert. Stephanie Caron creates a large-scale mixed media work as part of the first MSEd art education summer residency. July 15-Sept. 13 nice; 02 Exhibition Sponsored by Midwest Nice Art, an art collective designed to promote equitable, inclusive, and respectful communities in the arts. Johnson Fine Arts Center Art Gallery September 12 NSU Faculty Showcase Recital 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 23-Nov. 15 Angela Zonunpari and Eli Show Exhibition Johnson Fine Arts Center Art Gallery 29 NSU Faculty Recital: Darci Bultema, soprano and Audrey Miller, clarinet with Philip Everingham, guest piano 3:00 p.m., Krikac Auditorium October 10-12 NSU Theatre presents: Hunter Bell, Susan Blackwell, and Jeff Bowen’s Now. Here. This. 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 13 3 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 2024˜25 SEASON Highlights NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 5 Friends of the Arts/NSU Season Event. Turn to pages 12-15 to learn more.

6 | NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY The Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony performs the monumental Shostakovich Symphony No. 5.

Professor Jason Knowles guides John Schwab through the filming process. October 24 NSU Fall Jazz Concert 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater November 9 Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony presents: Midnight in Paris, featuring clarinetist Audrey Miller 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 24 NSU Symphonic Band/NSU Concert Band present: Music from Around the World 3 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater December 2 NSU Faculty Recital: Marla Fogderud, soprano and Oda Hjertine Voltersvik, guest piano 7:30 p.m., Krikac Auditorium 5 NSU Winter Choral Concert 7:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, Aberdeen January 13-Feb. 28 Amber Hanson Exhibition Johnson Fine Arts Center Art Gallery February 13 NSU Symphonic Band presents: Celebrating Black History Month 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 7 Students produce an innovative musical arrangement in the new Introduction to Digital Sound Design course. Friends of the Arts/NSU Season Event. Turn to pages 12-15 to learn more.

February 20-22 NSU Theatre presents: Joanna Murray-Smith’s The Female of the Species 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Black Box Theater 23 3 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Black Box Theater Mar 1 Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony presents: Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue, featuring guest pianist Jeffrey Biegel 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 6 55th Annual South Dakota Jazz Festival Concert (in conjunction with the Aberdeen Community Concert Association) 15-May 6 NSU Senior Student BFA Art Exhibition Johnson Fine Arts Center Art Gallery 19 NSU Bach’s Lunch Concert noon, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Aberdeen ch 8 | NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY Lily Tobin prepares her senior art exhibition. NSU Theatre travels to the world-renowned Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Visiting artist Cody Heinrichs works with Rico Imus. Friends of the Arts/NSU Season Event. Turn to pages 12-15 to learn more.

NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 9 Suzi Fitterer and Meghan Sheets portray Corky and Laura in NSU Theatre’s production of Steve Martin’s Meteor Shower.

April 4-5 NSU Opera presents: Michael Ching’s The Story of Hazel Miner (World Premiere) 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Black Box Theater 13 NSU Symphonic Band/NSU Concert Band present: unBroken 3 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 27 NSU Spring Choral Concert 3 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater May 2 NSU Jazz Swing Dance 6 p.m., Aberdeen Recreation and Cultural Center (225 3rd Avenue S.E., 2nd Floor Library Auditorium). 3 Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony presents: Brulé, renowned Native American music group 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 10 | NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY The NSU Marching Wolves show their spirit during the 2023 Gypsy Days halftime show. Friends of the Arts/NSU Season Event. Turn to pages 12-15 to learn more.

NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 11 NSU Theatre presents a dazzling production of Laurence O’Keefe and Kevin Murphy’s Heathers the Musical.

12 | NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY The Northern State University School of Fine Arts is committed to developing both the personal and creative expression of every student, as well as providing the highest quality professional instruction in the arts. You have an exciting opportunity to support the outstanding work of our faculty and students by joining the Friends of the Arts/NSU. By becoming a member, you affirm the value of the arts as a vital and integral part of our lives, and further strengthen NSU’s presence as an arts leader. BE A Friend OF THE ARTS/NSU Your support ensures that our students will more fully realize their potential for future careers in the arts by enhancing the quality of arts education o˛ered at NSU. Additionally, your donation supports the broad array of fine arts performances and events that benefit our community and region. Your membership entitles you to a number of attractive benefits and privileges, including complimentary tickets to a host of season events, invitation-only receptions for selected concerts and special events, recognition in printed programs, and more. Become a member today by visiting, or by filling out the membership form on the enclosed addressed envelope and returning it with a check payable to “Northern State University Foundation.” You may also scan this QR code to sign up online. If you have further questions, please call 605-626-2550.

NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 13 NSU Concerto-Aria vocal winner Hannah Gasperich performs Gian Carlo Menotti’s “Lullaby” with the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony. NSU Concerto-Aria instrumental winner Cameron Gauger performs Joseph Haydn’s Piano Concerto in D Major with the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony.

14 | NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY MEMBERSHIP Benefits Sponsor • Membership Benefits • Plus! 1. The option to designate a portion of your gift ($1,500 minimum) to establishing a new named scholarship and determining the criteria for the award OR 2. The option to designate a portion of your gift ($1,500 minimum) to sponsoring one of the School of Fine Arts 2024-25 season events • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a Friends of the Arts/NSU holiday gathering at President Neal and Teresa Schnoor’s residence • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a special post-concert dessert reception with members of Brulé, the nationally-renowned Native American music group appearing with the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony on their May concert • Plus! Invitation to a special banquet and performance featuring Tim Mooney, awarding-winning Shakespearean actor and educator – co-sponsored by NSU Theatre and the Northern Plains Conference on British Literature • Plus! Complimentary tickets to all ten School of Fine Arts 2024-25 season events, including the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony May 3, 2025 concert featuring Brulé • Special Friends of the Arts/NSU Season Kick-O˛ in the Johnson Fine Arts Center Lobby and Gallery X • Special Friends of the Arts/NSU invitation to the 2025 NSU Juried Student Art Show and Awards Ceremony • Hors d’oeuvres socials for selected School of Fine Arts 2024-25 events • Recognition in performance programs and on the NSU School of Fine Arts website $2,500 (individual) $5,000 (couple)

NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 15 • Membership benefits • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a Friends of the Arts/NSU holiday gathering at President Neal and Teresa Schnoor’s residence • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a special post-concert dessert reception with members of Brulé, the nationally-renowned Native American music group appearing with the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony on their May concert • Plus! Invitation to a special banquet and performance featuring Tim Mooney, awarding-winning Shakespearean actor and educator – co-sponsored by NSU Theatre and the Northern Plains Conference on British Literature • Plus! Complimentary tickets to all ten School of Fine Arts 2024-25 season events, including the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony May 3, 2025 concert featuring Brulé Benefactor Patron • Membership benefits • Plus! Exclusive invitation to a special post-concert dessert reception with members of Brulé, the nationally-renowned Native American music group appearing with the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony on their May concert • Plus! Invitation to a special banquet and performance featuring Tim Mooney, awarding-winning Shakespearean actor and educator – co-sponsored by NSU Theatre and the Northern Plains Conference on British Literature • Plus! Complimentary tickets to your choice of seven School of Fine Arts 2024-25 season events • Membership benefits • Plus! Invitation to a special banquet and performance featuring Tim Mooney, awarding-winning Shakespearean actor and educator – co-sponsored by NSU Theatre and the Northern Plains Conference on British Literature • Plus! Complimentary tickets to your choice of five School of Fine Arts 2024-25 season events Friend $150 (individual) $300 (couple) $500 (individual) $1,000 (couple) $250 (individual) $500 (couple) Donor • Membership benefits $50 (individual) $100 (couple)

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