
NSU Chamber Singers perform at the annual NSU Bach’s Lunch Concert. Stephanie Caron creates a large-scale mixed media work as part of the first MSEd art education summer residency. July 15-Sept. 13 nice; 02 Exhibition Sponsored by Midwest Nice Art, an art collective designed to promote equitable, inclusive, and respectful communities in the arts. Johnson Fine Arts Center Art Gallery September 12 NSU Faculty Showcase Recital 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 23-Nov. 15 Angela Zonunpari and Eli Show Exhibition Johnson Fine Arts Center Art Gallery 29 NSU Faculty Recital: Darci Bultema, soprano and Audrey Miller, clarinet with Philip Everingham, guest piano 3:00 p.m., Krikac Auditorium October 10-12 NSU Theatre presents: Hunter Bell, Susan Blackwell, and Jeff Bowen’s Now. Here. This. 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 13 3 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 2024˜25 SEASON Highlights NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 5 Friends of the Arts/NSU Season Event. Turn to pages 12-15 to learn more.