
Professor Jason Knowles guides John Schwab through the filming process. October 24 NSU Fall Jazz Concert 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater November 9 Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony presents: Midnight in Paris, featuring clarinetist Audrey Miller 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater 24 NSU Symphonic Band/NSU Concert Band present: Music from Around the World 3 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater December 2 NSU Faculty Recital: Marla Fogderud, soprano and Oda Hjertine Voltersvik, guest piano 7:30 p.m., Krikac Auditorium 5 NSU Winter Choral Concert 7:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, Aberdeen January 13-Feb. 28 Amber Hanson Exhibition Johnson Fine Arts Center Art Gallery February 13 NSU Symphonic Band presents: Celebrating Black History Month 7:30 p.m., Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY | 7 Students produce an innovative musical arrangement in the new Introduction to Digital Sound Design course. Friends of the Arts/NSU Season Event. Turn to pages 12-15 to learn more.