
11 Table 9 Sense of Belonging by Heterosexual and LGBTIQ Students (NSSE Pulse Administration, Question 6) Question I feel comfortable I feel valued I feel like part being myself at by this institution (b) of the community this institution (a) at this institution (c) Heterosexual 3.41 (370) 3.18 (369) 3.15 (369) LGBTIQ 3.28 (53) 2.92 (53) 2.74 (53) Note: Special NSSE Pulse Administration from October 19-30, 2020. 458 responses collected, 35% response rate of all degree-seeking undergraduates. Average rating (1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly agree). Provided by Institutional Research. Table 10 Institutional Contribution to Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development (NSSE, question 18.) Year Administered 2020 2020 2018 2018 First Year Senior First Year Senior How much has your experience at this institution contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? Working effectively with others (f) 2.60 3.06 2.79 2.99 Developing or clarifying a personal code of 2.44 ▼ 2.86 2.68 2.98 ▲ values and ethics (g) Understanding people of other backgrounds (h) 2.49 ▼ 2.89 2.79 2.92 (economic, racial/ethnic, political, religious, nationality, etc.) Solving complex real-world problems (i) 2.34 ▼ 2.74 2.53 2.82 Being an informed and active citizen (j) 2.31 ▼ 2.73 2.42 2.79 Note . Average rating (1 = Very little, 2 = Some, 3 = Quite a bit, 4 = Very much). Provided by Institutional Research