
STUDENT AFFAIRS 22 ANNUAL REPORT Krista G. Bau, director of student rights and responsibilities and title IX coordinator, continued her on-campus compliance training efforts during faculty/staff in-service as well as training student leaders with Title IX, the Jeanne Clery Act, and Northern CARES. With the dean of students and campus partners, she assisted with the development of a “Distressed Student Training Series” that educated the campus on students in distress through active shooter situations. The four-part series included a newly developed training with the dean of the School of Education called “Disruptive and Dangerous Students” which aims at identifying concerning classroom behavior, establishing boundaries within the class, and knowing who to contact in threatening situations. During the spring semester, she assisted with planning and hosting the Wolfy’s Student Engagement Awards to recognize and celebrate students’ achievements through their involvement on and off campus. Bau was able to attend professional development opportunities, including the NESD Family Violence Conference and became certified in Behavioral Intervention Team Standards and Best Practices from the National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NABITA). In her free time, Bau serves as an executive board member of Independent Living Choices, an executive board member of Safe Harbor, serves as a member of the Community Coordinated Response Team (CCRT) through the Department of Social Services Victims’ Services Stop Violence Against Women Grant Program and completed her last term as secretary through the Governor-appointed Family Support Council. Bau continues to chair Northern CARES and serves on the Mental Wellness Week Committee, HOWL, Advisory Group on Inclusion and Belonging, and the Advisory Team on Accessibility and Disability. Lauren Berg, coordinator for student wellness and prevention, started her position at Northern in July 2023. In the fall of 2023, Lauren became trained in SAPST (Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training). The SAPST is grounded in current research and provides prevention practitioners with the knowledge and skills needed to implement effective, data-driven prevention programs, practices, and policies that reduce behavioral health disparities and improve wellness. Lauren is trained in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) and presented this curriculum to faculty, staff, and students. This year, Lauren has presented to classes on various topics to promote student wellness, such as stress management, financial wellness, and the importance of sleep, among others. Outside of the classrooms, Lauren has been a part of other activities and programs on campus to promote wellness and prevention such as prescription take-backs, tailgating, and a student night at the Aberdeen YMCA. Finally, Lauren has reconvened the NSU Campus-Community Coalition which works to create a communitywide environment that fosters responsible choices concerning alcohol, reducing dangerous behaviors associated with high-risk drinking. Sean S. Blackburn, dean of students, led Student Affairs in the completion of 20 Key Results in the fourth year of the Student Affairs Strategic Plan (2021-2025). Blackburn attended the South Dakota Higher Education Association (SDHEA) Fall Conference in Mitchell, S.D. Blackburn continued to serve on the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), Enrollment Management Council (EMC), Student Budget and Appropriations Committee (SBAC), the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) Student Affairs Council, and the Campus Culture and Climate Committee. Blackburn co-chairs the Opportunity for All Council, Data Governance Oversite Committee, and the Advisory Group on Inclusion and Belonging. Blackburn chairs Northern’s Student Affairs Council and was elected Vice Chair of the Salvation Army Advisory Board in February 2024. He was appointed to the United Way Board in November 2023 by President Neal Schnoor. Blackburn was re-certified in Behavioral Intervention Team Standards and Best Practices from the National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NABITA). He also attended the NASPA Annual Professional highlights: Student Affairs team members are challenged to be lifelong learners, to engage with national and regional professional associations, and to utilize institutional opportunities (committee assignments, campus, and community projects) to develop their skills and abilities, grow as individuals, and better serve students. Committed to excellence and personal growth, these staff members live out this challenge.