
STUDENT AFFAIRS 18 ANNUAL REPORT Mobile Market & Pantry: Student Affairs partnered with the Salvation Army of Aberdeen to host monthly Mobile Markets and Food Pantries for students in the Avera Student Center Mall. With only a Pack Pass ID, Northern students were able to receive free pantry items, produce, and pastries. The Salvation Army knows that many students struggle to afford all the expenses of college and life. This initiative was designed to provide students with some assistance. The main Salvation Army Food Pantry at 1003 6th Ave. S.W. is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-11 a.m. and Tuesday and Thursday by appointment. Visit their website or call 605-225-7410 for more details. Prescription Medication Take Back: April 5, 2022 - Students, faculty, staff, and community members were invited to the Avera Student Center Mall to dispose of accumulated and unneeded prescription medications in a free, safe, confidential way. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), more than half of people who misuse prescription medications obtain them from a friend or family member. Safely disposing of prescriptions that you no longer need is the easiest way to keep others safe. Sponsored by Wellness and Prevention Services and the Aberdeen Police Department, this event provided a great community service and helped raise awareness of prescription medication abuse. If you or someone you know has questions about prescription drug misuse visit Generation RX at: https://generationrx. org/learn/understand-the-issue. The Wolfy’s & Gala of the Wolves: April 28, 2022 - The Wolfy Student Engagement Awards recognize student leaders’ contribution to enhancing the student experience, growth in leadership, and impact on campus life. This year, the Wolfy’s were hosted with the “Gala of the Wolves,” which provided students with a celebratory night of dinner, awards, and dancing. The event was described as Northern’s maroon carpet event of the year! In partnership with the Student Government Association and Campus Activities Board (CAB), Megan Frewaldt and Student Involvement and Leadership made progress on Key Result 97, to “Create a campus-wide, end of the year student leadership recognition event.” Student Affairs is very grateful to TRIO SSS, Fine Arts, Athletics, and Admissions for joining the Wolfy’s and helping to celebrate our students. “Events like the Wolfy’s not only recognize excellence within student leadership but also promote campus engagement which is a major driver of retention,” said Sean Blackburn, Dean of Students. Quick Takes: The Wolfy’s & Gala of the Wolves