
STUDENT AFFAIRS 22 ANNUAL REPORT Heather R. Aldentaler, Director of Counseling and Health Services, attended the 2022 South Dakota Counseling Association conference and served on the inaugural Mental Health Week Committee. Aldentaler presented Quit, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) suicide prevention trainings for various classes and groups throughout the year. Dean Blackburn appointed Aldentaler as the chair of the Mental Wellness Week Committee in the spring of 2022. In her free time, Aldentaler enjoys volunteering for the Aberdeen Salvation Army. Krista G. Bau, Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities and Title IX Coordinator, served on multiple search committees in the 2021-22 academic year including the search for the Athletic Director, the Student Achievement Specialist, and the Assistant Director for Multicultural Student Affairs. Bau served as the search committee chair for the Assistant Director for Accessibility Services and took over responsibility for this functional area in May 2022. Bau attended multiple trainings including the Clery Center Virtual Clery Act Training Seminar (CATS), the Valor Us: Virtual National Sexual Assault Conference, the Threat Assessment Workshop by the Great Plains Chapter of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals and earned a certificate for completing the ATIXA Virtual Title IX Coordinator Level 1 Training. Bau presented Northern CARES during Faculty In-service and at multiple spring open sessions for campus. She also presented on Title IX for all incoming first year students as well as special groups such as Residence Life, Speech and Debate, and Upward Bound. Bau was a guest lecturer for PE 334: Behavioral and Social Science Issues in Physical Education and the Athletic Department, both on Title IX. In her free time, Bau serves as an Executive Board Member of Independent Living Choices, an Executive Member and secretary of the Family Support Council and serves as a member of the Community Coordinated Response Team (CCRT) through the Department of Social Services Victims’ Services Stop Violence Against Women Grant Program. Bau received the following professional recognitions in 2022: Northern State University Employee Awards for Excellence in Performance Award and celebrated her 10-year employment anniversary. Bau developed and now chairs the Northern CARES (Community • Assessment • Response • Education • Support) program, a multi-disciplinary team dedicated to identifying and supporting students of concern. She led the Security Systems Oversight Committee’s review of outdoor surveillance cameras on campus. Bau served on the inaugural Mental Wellness Week Committee and as a Table Leader for the United Way’s Painting a Rural Picture series on Domestic Violence. Sean S. Blackburn, Dean of Students, led Student Affairs in the completion of 32 Key Results in the second year of the Student Affairs Strategic Plan. Blackburn was appointed by President Schnoor to serve on two of four university-wide “Initial Strategic Priorities and Actions” working groups this past year. He served as the co-chair of the President’s Taskforce on Campus Culture and Climate, where he edited the final “Report of the President’s Campus Culture and Climate Taskforce & Steering Group Summaries and Initial Recommendations” submitted to President Schnoor and the Executive Leadership Team. In that role, Blackburn led the institution’s administration of the SkyFactor Benchworks Faculty/Staff/Student Campus Climate, Safety, and Sexual Assault Assessment. Blackburn was also appointed to the Enrollment Management Council (EMC) responsible for the creation of Northern’s first Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan and serves as the chair of the SEMWorking Group on Engagement that Leads to Retention. Blackburn also chaired the inaugural Mental Health Week Committee that brought increased awareness to behavioral Professional highlights: Student Affairs team members are challenged to be life-long learners, to engage with national and regional professional associations, and to utilize institutional opportunities (committee assignments, campus, and community projects) to develop their skills and abilities, grow as individuals, and better serve students. Committed to excellence and personal growth, these staff members live out this challenge.