OBJECTIVE 3: Increase Student Wellness. Wellness is the prerequisite for student success – it is hard to be an engaged learner if students are not well or do not have access to wellness programs. We believe in holistic wellness and prevention programs as cost e cient interventions that prevent illness and harm before it can ever occur. Key Results: 57. Establish an annual meeting between Student A airs and Avera St. Luke’s (Avera) to document areas of strength and areas for improvement in student services and our long-term partnership. 58. Establish an annual meeting between Student A airs, Athletics, and Sanford Health to document areas of strength and areas for improvement in student services and our long-term partnership. 59. In partnership with Avera and the SD Department of Health (DOH), host a fall and spring in uenza clinic free for students. 60. Create and publish a “Scope of Practice” that will provide a broader understanding of the mission and operations of Counseling Services. 61. Retitle the Counseling Services Program Manager to Prevention Services Coordinator. 62. Introduce and brand Prevention Services across campus. (Consistent with NSU Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Biennial Review) 63. Working with partners, provide standard budget funding for the third Counseling Services Counselor (currently 25% grant funded). 64. Working with partners, provide standard budget funding for the Prevention Services Coordinator (currently 100% grant funded). (Consistent with NSU Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Biennial Review) 65. Four Counseling Services sta and partners will complete the Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) Train-the-Trainer workshop. 66. Train all Community and Campus Coalition Partners and Student A airs team members in QPR. 67. Train 500 students in QPR (aligns with Objective 4: Increase Student Engagement Opportunities). 68. Prevention Services will create once a semester prescription give-back program with Aberdeen Police Department. (Consistent with NSU Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Biennial Review) 69. Rebrand the Insight Program and present to the Campus and Community Coalition and courts. (Consistent with NSU Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Biennial Review) 70. Develop and o er a Prime for Life evidence-based motivational prevention program for marijuana and present to the Campus and Community Coalition and courts. (Consistent with NSU Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations Biennial Review) 71. Create a University Interfaith Council to facilitate student’s wellness in the area of spirituality. 72. Create a marketing campaign and educational programing to decrease the stigma associated with seeking behavioral health care. 73. Seek partnerships to implement an evidence-based Sexual Assault and Bystander Intervention Program (Aligns with Objective 4: Increase Student Engagement Opportunities and Object 6: Advance Campus Safety). Key Results that are maroon and bold have been accomplished. Student A airs | Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025 10