OBJECTIVE 7: Create Inclusive Communities. rough inclusion and sense of belonging initiatives, we build and support student communities that value and welcome all people. We are focused on retaining and graduating underrepresented students and recognize this work as foundational to the mission and values of Student A airs. Our work promotes “a learning environment that exposes students to and encourages exploration of a variety of ideological and political perspectives” (SD House Bill 1087) consistent with the SDBOR Opportunity for All Statement of August 2021. Key Results: 158. Hire a Multicultural Student A airs Coordinator to advance underrepresented student recruitment and student diversity, equity and inclusion training and programming. ese e orts are critical to the successful recruitment of an increasingly diverse generation of students and supports HLC accreditation standards. Working with Career Services, support e orts to graduate students who are culturally competent and prepared to enter a diverse workforce. 159. Partnering with Enrollment Management, identify underrepresented student populations by race, ethnicity and gender based upon the South Dakota population and develop a recruitment plan to address. 160. Assess all Student A airs programs for utilization by race, ethnicity, and gender (Aligns with Objective 1: Driving Excellence). 161. Partnering with the Opportunity for All Council, Academic A airs, Athletics, and Human Resources, host an annual professionally facilitated inclusion and sense of belonging training for student sta , sta , faculty, and Extended Executive Leadership Team consistent with Opportunity for All. 162. Utilize Vector training to introduce all new students (under 60 credit hours) to inclusion and sense of belonging training consistent with Opportunity for All. 163. Identify underutilization rates for Student A airs sta by race, ethnicity, and gender based upon our full-time degree seeking students and develop a recruitment plan to address. 164. Update the Poster Approval Policy consistent with principles of free expression (Aligns with Objective 4: Expand Student Engagement Opportunities). 165. Update or create a Space Use Policy consistent with principles of free expression (Aligns with Objective 4: Expand Student Engagement Opportunities). 166. Partnering with WAVE and Aware Wolves, gather and publish data on South Dakota, Aberdeen, and Northern food insecurity. 167. Partnering with WAVE and Aware Wolves, gather and publish data on the availability (or lack) of food and hygiene pantries for students within Aberdeen and on campus. 168. Partnering with the Student Government Association and Facilities Management, conduct an accessibility review of the Northern campus and create a plan to address accessibility challenges. 169. Partnering with Institutional Research, increase and acquire more representative responses (including historically marginalized student populations) for the 2023 NSSE Survey administration (see item 4, 2020-2021 Student A airs Assessment Report). 170. rough mentoring and community building, improve our historically marginalized student population’s sense of belonging as measured by NSSE (see item 4, 2020-2021 Student A airs Assessment Report). Key Results that are maroon and bold have been accomplished. Student A airs | Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025 16