
171. Create a Gender Equity Committee to assess, review, and create progress towards gender equity on campus. 172. Partnering with Facilities Management, install accessible door openers in the Avera Student Center. 173. Partnering with Academic A airs and Technology Services, research and implement Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services for all commencement ceremonies to provide universal access for all attending in person or online. 174. Create a University Advisory Team on Disability, Inclusion, and Accessibility to assess, review, and make progress toward greater accessibility for all students, sta , and faculty on campus. 175. Partnering with Finance and Administration, create an annual fund that the University Advisory Team on Disability, Inclusion, and Accessibility can prioritize to make annual accessibility improvements. 176. Partnering with Technology Services, make a microphone available for use during all meetings over 25 attendees. 177. Partnering with Communications and Marketing, and consistent with the Accessible Icon Project, create an accessibility services logo/marketing program to raise awareness of inclusive services available on campus and how to request services for events. 178. Partnering with the Native American Circle Program, NASA, and SD Tribes, create a display in the Avera Student Center highlighting South Dakota Tribal Flags. 179. Partnering with the O ce of International Programs, update the international ag display in the Avera Student Center with up-to-date ags. 180. Create and support a Committee on Inclusion and Belonging that will work to advance campus culture. 181. Partnering with the Committee on Inclusion and Belonging, create a biennial strategic plan to advance belonging and inclusion. 182. In partnership with the International Programs O ce and the Move-in / Wolf Pack Welcome Coordination Committee, identify opportunities to improve the campus welcome and transition experience for International Students. 183. Transition Disability Services to Student Accessibility Services; hire an Assistant Director for Accessibility Services who will report to the Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities. 184. Establish a Creative Cultural Space to include equipment like sewing machines, irons, starter sewing packs for ribbon skirts, beading looms, instructional books, and other cra supplies so students may engage in culturally meaningful artworks. 185. Partnering with Facilities Management, the Environmental Club, and local tribes, plant a medicine wheel garden or an ethnobotanical garden to include medicinal and spiritual plants such as sage, cedar, wild roses, and chokecherries or plums, and other indigenous prairie plants. 186. Partnering with Finance and Administration, increase the compensation for student note-takers to $50 per credit hour or invest in a note-taking so ware to support this important accommodation through Student Accessibility Services. 187. Partnering with Academic A airs, o er a graduation stole for multicultural students. Student A airs | Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025 17