
OBJECTIVE 9: Enhance Parent and Family Engagement. Successful engagement of parents and families enhances new student recruitment, supports New Student Programs, and advances student persistence to graduation. Key Results: 197. Hire an Assistant Director for New Student and Parent Programs to advance HOWL, Wolf Pack Welcome, New Student Convocation, and build Parent and Family Programs (Aligns with Objective 4: Expand Student Engagement Opportunities). 198. Enhance HOWL and Wolf Pack Welcome programming for parents and families. 199. With partners, o er an expanded Family Weekend program. 200. Partnering with the NSU Foundation, create a Parents Emergency Fund supported by an annual request. 201. Create a Parents Listserv to facilitate regular communication with families. 202. Partnering with Communications and Marketing, create and publish a quarterly Parent and Family web-based newsletter. 203. Partnering with Enrollment Management and Academic A airs, expand and improve New Student Orientation (spring) to support a growing spring class of new rst-time, transfer, and reentry students.” 204. Partnering with Enrollment Management and Academic A airs, institute a New Student Orientation for dual enrolled high school students to ensure a seamless and high-quality experience.” Student A airs | Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025 19