CONTRIBUTING TO NORTHERN’S STRATEGIC PRIORITIES AND ACTIONS Northern Strategic Priorities and Actions Student A airs Strategic Plan Build a growth strategy to expand student access, success and Objective 1: Driving Excellence educational attainment to increase students’ socioeconomic mobility while serving the public good. e Enrollment Objective 2: Increase Revenue Management Council will develop a comprehensive strategic Objective 3: Increase Student Wellness enrollment management plan and collaborate with a national Objective 4: Expand Student Engagement Opportunities consulting agency to inform marketing, messaging, recruiting, awarding and retention strategies. Objective 5: Create the Heart of the Campus Community a. e Enrollment Management Council will work closely with Objective 6: Advance Campus Safety campus units to implement immediate and future recruiting and Objective 7: Create Inclusive Communities retention strategies. Objective 8: Support Human Capital b. e Enrollment Management Council will develop a comprehensive strategic enrollment management plan and collaborate with a national consulting agency to inform marketing, messaging, recruiting, awarding and retention strategies. e Enrollment Management Council will work closely with campus units to implement immediate and future recruiting and retention strategies. Objective 9: Enhance Parent and Family Engagement Build an increasingly diverse, engaged, inclusive, welcoming and Objective 3: Increase Student Wellness supportive culture that nurtures achievement and success for all students, faculty and sta . Objective 4: Expand Student Engagement Opportunities a. Implement BOR Opportunity for All and individualize support Objective 5: Create the Heart of the Campus Community for students’ diverse needs— academic, rst generation, nancial, Objective 6: Advance Campus Safety cultural, social, emotional, physical, e.g. Objective 7: Create Inclusive Communities b. e President will form/charge the President’s Campus Culture and Climate Taskforce to collect and assess comprehensive faculty, sta , and student data and provide actionable recommendations to the Executive Team to enhance campus culture and climate for all. Objective 9: Enhance Parent and Family Engagement Build sustainable collaborative public/private partnerships to Key Result 12: NSU Foundation advance academic, cultural, health, recreational, and economic Key Result 15, 16, 17, 18, & 19: Sodexo opportunities that serve the public good and produce value for Key Result 57: Avera Heath NSU, Aberdeen and the region. Key Result 58: Sanford Health a. Evaluate existing partnerships and strategically pursue new Key Result 59: Avera Health & SD Dept. of Health partnerships that bene t student career-readiness while better Key Result 95: Pack Gives Back serving the public good. Key Result 96: Alternative Breaks b. Deeply engage our community partners, foundation, alumni, Key Result 122: Tailgating friends and donors in strategies and projects to advance NSU, Key Result 123: National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement Aberdeen and the region. Key Result 146 & 148: Aberdeen Police Department Key Result 153: Community Agencies Key Result 156: Safe Harbor Key Result 184 & 185: South Dakota Tribes Key Result 200: Parents ER Fund Engage the campus and community to ensure long-term scal Objective 1: Driving Excellence sustainability. Objective 2: Increase Revenue a. Executive Team will engage units in using SB55 and other sources to identify both e ciencies and priorities for future Objective 7: Create Inclusive Communities investment and present regular campus budget forums to inform and seek feedback from the campus community. b. Increase philanthropic support for student scholarships and varied programming. Objective 8: Support Human Capital