
PROJECTS READY FOR INVESTMENT e following Key Results are ready for philanthropic support and are sincerely solicited to improve the quality of Student Life at Northern State University. 18. Create a new food insecurity program like Swipe Out Hunger. 39 g. Hire an Associate Director for Academic Initiatives to work with our academic partners to expand the impact and quality of Learning and Living Programs within the residence halls (Aligns with Objective 4: Increase Student Engagement Opportunities). 48. Renovate Steele Hall for use as Graduate Student Apartments. 49. Upgrade the Lindberg/Seymour Residential Quad (between Great Plains East and West) to support outdoor programming and encourage students to socialize in the open air where the risks of COVD-19 transmission are minimal. 73. Implement an evidence-based Sexual Assault and Bystander Intervention Program. 92. Train 25 bene ts eligible employees in Mental Health First Aid. 95. Enhance and expand the Pack Gives Back Program. Ensure students have opportunities to participate in intentional community service activities that o er re ection and a better understanding of the world around them, and their opportunities and responsibilities as engaged citizens. 96. Rejuvenate the Alternative Breaks program by hosting at least two trips per year. 97. Create a campus-wide, end of the year Student Leadership Recognition Event. 103. O er a New Student Convocation during Wolf Pack Welcome. 104. Create a Student Leadership Summit during fall move-in that will bring all student leadership roles together to learn about leadership development. 117. Host a non-partisan speaker during Free Speech Week. 123. Join the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) to better understand Northern student registration and voting rates, allowing for a closer examination of the campus climate for political learning and engagement. 156. In collaboration with Safe Harbor, create an On-Campus Advocate Program to increase visibility and services to students, sta , and faculty who have experienced sexual misconduct. 175. Create an annual fund that the University Advisory Team on Disability, Inclusion, and Accessibility can prioritize to make Annual Accessibility Improvements. 184. Establish a Creative Cultural Space to include equipment like sewing machines, irons, starter sewing packs for ribbon skirts, beading looms, instructional books, and other cra supplies so students may engage in culturally meaningful artworks. 185. Plant a Medicine Wheel Garden or an ethnobotanical garden to include medicinal and spiritual plants such as sage, cedar, wild roses, and chokecherries or plums, and other indigenous prairie plants. 199. O er an expanded Family Weekend program beginning Fall 2022. 200. Create a Parent’s Emergency Fund supported by an annual request. Student A airs | Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025 26