
14. Develop a Campus Dining Round Table Program, that invites faculty, sta , and students an opportunity twice a semester to provide feedback on quality, variety, environment, and cultural o erings to the Dining Services Team. 15. Partnering with Finance and Administration, make a smooth and successful transition from Aramark to Sodexo during summer 2022. 16. Partnering with Finance and Administration, refresh of Einstein Bros. Bagels to update brand standards. 17. Partnering with Finance and Administration, convert Great Plains East P.O.D. Market to the Grid Market to include Created with Love rotating retail concepts, Le Bread Express robotic micro bakery, and self-checkout. 18. Create a new food insecurity program similar to “Swipe Out Hunger” 19. Partnering with Finance and Administration, refresh and rebrand the Wolves Den Dining Hall. 20. Partnering with the Student Government Association, create a Student A airs Advisory Board with current students, alumni, sta , and one SD public college or university colleague. 21. Centralize front desk services across Student A airs in 222 Avera Student Center. 22. Partnering with EAB and consistent with the SEM Plan, identify and set approved institutional goals for improving retention and 4-year graduation rates for rst-time, degree-seeking students (see item 1, 2020-2021 Student A airs Assessment Report). 23. Partnering with Communications and Marketing, install a Northern “N” on the exterior of Wolves Memorial Suites to improve brand recognition. 24. Partnering with Communications and Marketing, hire a student graphic artist to produce more in-house social media and other marketing content consistent with the Northern Brand Guide. 25. Create a Dean's certi cation program that includes both academic and non-academic misconduct for current students and alumni needing this information for graduate school, employment, etc. 26. Create and implement a summer residence hall tour program to assist Admissions and Athletics. 27. Research best practices for the training of resident assistants and recon gure and reinvigorate RA Training for Fall 2022. 28. Partnering with Human Resources and Facilities Management, update and revise campus animal policies to re ect changes in verbiage and compliance. 29. Create a policy requiring all rst-time, degree seeking students to complete an in-person or Virtual HOWL or new student orientation experience prior to census day each semester. 30. Beginning summer 2021, better code students participating in HOWL and conduct a yield and retention analysis in partnership with Institutional Research (see item 9, 2020-2021 Student A airs Assessment Report). 31. With partners, create a one-stop-shop during rst year residence hall move-in day and Wolf Pack Welcome to bring university resources together to support a smooth student transition (See NSU Move-in / Wolf Pack Welcome Coordination Committee Fall 2021 Committee Feedback Report). 32. With Institutional Research, create an annual Student Satisfaction Survey to inform retention e orts. 33. Review o ce space use in the Student A airs Suite and make necessary changes to maximize program outcomes and work ow. Student A airs | Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025 7