
23 NSU STUDENT HANDBOOK 2021-22 Student Conduct Officer for this meeting. 2. Informal resolution is reached where: a. The Student and the Faculty Member agree that there was no Academic Misconduct; or b. The Student admits to the Academic Misconduct, agrees to the academic consequence, and signs a form documenting the Student’s agreement. By signing the form, the Student waives the right to appeal both the fact that the Student engaged in the Academic Misconduct and the academic consequence. 3. If informal resolution is reached, the Faculty Member must inform the Student Conduct Officer. If the informal resolution included the Student admitting to the Academic Misconduct, the Faculty Member must provide the signed form used to document the Student’s agreement to the Student Conduct Officer. 4. If informal resolution is not reached, the Faculty Member must inform the Student Conduct Officer that the alleged Academic Misconduct was not informally resolved through this policy and will need to be addressed through Board Policy 3:4. C. Formal Resolution 1. Once the Student conduct process through Board Policy 3:4 is concluded, the Faculty Member will receive a copy of the informal resolution documentation or the written findings that include the facts found to have occurred. 2. I f the informal resolution documentation or the written findings include a determination that a violation of the Student Code for Academic Misconduct occurred, the Faculty Member may impose academic consequences for the Academic Misconduct. D. Appeals 1. Informal Resolution Reached Through Board Policy 2:33 A Student may not appeal either the fact that the student engaged in the Academic Misconduct or the academic consequence imposed by the Faculty Member because the Student waives such appeal rights in agreeing to the informal resolution under this policy. 2. Informal Resolution Not Reached Through Board Policy 2:33 A Student may appeal the academic consequence imposed by the Faculty Member pursuant to Board Policy 2:9. SOURCE: BOR, May 2016. STUDENT FREEDOM IN LEARNING To secure student freedom in learning, faculty members in the classroom and in seminar should encourage free and orderly discussion, inquiry and expression of the course subject matter. Student performance may be evaluated solely on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards. A. Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which they are enrolled. B. Each institution shall establish an academic appeals procedure (see Student Academic Grievance Procedure) to permit review of student allegations that an academic evaluation was